gen_die "Could not find iSCSI source tarball: ${ISCSI_SRCTAR}. Please place it there, or place another version, changing /etc/genkernel.conf as necessary!"
rm -rf "${ISCSI_DIR}"
tar -zxpf "${ISCSI_SRCTAR}"
[ ! -d "${ISCSI_DIR}"]&&
gen_die "ISCSI directory ${ISCSI_DIR} invalid"
print_info 1'iSCSI: >> Compiling...'
apply_patches iscsi ${ISCSI_VER}
# Only build userspace
print_info 1'iSCSI: >> Configuring userspace...'
cd utils/open-isns || gen_die 'Could not enter open-isns dir'
# we currently have a patch that changes
# once given patch is dropped, drop autoconf too
autoconf || gen_die 'Could not tweak open-iscsi configuration'
./configure --without-slp >> ${LOGFILE} 2>&1|| gen_die 'Could not configure userspace'
cd ../.. || gen_die 'wtf?'
MAKE=${UTILS_MAKE} compile_generic "user"""
# if kernel modules exist, copy them to initramfs, otherwise it will be compiled into the kernel