@ -2,10 +2,6 @@
#include "../catch.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
TEST_CASE( "Graph creation", "[graph][data_structure]" ) {
SECTION("Initial state") {
@ -154,6 +150,15 @@ TEST_CASE( "Graph adding vertices", "[graph][data_structure]" ) {
REQUIRE( contains(g, 2) == true );
SECTION("Modify vertex to the same") {
Graph<int> g;
REQUIRE( contains(g, 1) == true );
g.modifyVertex(1, 1);
REQUIRE( contains(g, 1) == true );
SECTION("get array of vertices") {
Graph<int> g;
@ -215,6 +220,21 @@ TEST_CASE( "Graph adding edges", "[graph][data_structure]" ) {
REQUIRE( numberOfEdges(g) == 0 );
SECTION("Adding some edges, one edge mentioned from both directions") {
Graph<int> g = { {1, 2}, {2, 1} };
REQUIRE( numberOfVertices(g) == 2 );
REQUIRE( numberOfEdges(g) == 1*2 );
SECTION("Adding some edges, one edge mentioned from both directions v2") {
Graph<int> g = { {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4},
{2, 1}, {2, 3}, {2, 4},
{3, 1}, {3, 2}, {3, 4},
{4, 1}, {4, 2}, {4, 3} };
REQUIRE( numberOfVertices(g) == 4 );
REQUIRE( numberOfEdges(g) == 4*3 );
SECTION("Adding some edges then clear") {
Graph<int> g = { {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {3, 4} };
@ -228,6 +248,20 @@ TEST_CASE( "Graph adding edges", "[graph][data_structure]" ) {
REQUIRE( numberOfEdges(g) == 3*2 );
SECTION("Removing edge with unexisting source") {
Graph<int> g = { {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {3, 4} };
REQUIRE( numberOfEdges(g) == 3*2 );
g.removeEdge(5, 4);
REQUIRE( numberOfEdges(g) == 3*2 );
SECTION("Removing edge with unexisting destination") {
Graph<int> g = { {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {3, 4} };
REQUIRE( numberOfEdges(g) == 3*2 );
g.removeEdge(1, 5);
REQUIRE( numberOfEdges(g) == 3*2 );
SECTION("connected vertices") {
Graph<int> g = { {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {3, 4} };
REQUIRE( connected(g, 1, 2) == true );
@ -489,81 +523,3 @@ TEST_CASE( "Graph adding/removing with more data", "[graph][data_structure]" ) {
struct float2 {
float x, y;
inline float2() : x(0.0), y(0.0) {}
inline float2(float f1, float f2) : x(f1), y(f2) {}
inline bool operator ==(const float2& v1, const float2& v2) { return v1.x == v2.x && v1.y == v2.y; }
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<float2>
std::size_t operator()(const float2& f2) const
std::size_t h1 = std::hash<float>()(f2.x);
std::size_t h2 = std::hash<float>()(f2.y);
return h1 ^ (h2 << 1);
int numberOfEdges(int N, int M) {
return (N-2)*(M-2)*8 // inside vertices have 8
+ 4*3 // corners have 3
+ (N-2)*2*5 + (M-2)*2*5; // sides has 5
// TEST_CASE( "Graph performance", "[graph][performance]" ) {
// SECTION("Adding 1000x1000 vertices") {
// const std::size_t N = 1000;
// const std::size_t M = 1000;
// Graph<float2> g;
// for (std::size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
// for (std::size_t j = 0; j < M; ++j)
// g.addVertex(float2(i, j));
// REQUIRE( numberOfVertices(g) == N*M );
// }
// SECTION("Adding 1000x1000 vertices and MANY edges") {
// /** Creating a big (N rows and M columns) grid.
// * Every vertex is connexted to it's 8 neighbours.
// *
// * +-+-+-+
// * |x+x+x|
// * +x+x+x+
// * |x+x+x|
// * +-+-+-+
// */
// const std::size_t N = 1000;
// const std::size_t M = 1000;
// Graph<float2> g;
// // inside
// for (std::size_t i = 1; i < N-1; ++i)
// for (std::size_t j = 1; j < M-1; ++j) {
// g.addEdge(float2(i, j), float2(i-1, j-1));
// g.addEdge(float2(i, j), float2(i-1, j));
// g.addEdge(float2(i, j), float2(i-1, j+1));
// g.addEdge(float2(i, j), float2(i, j-1));
// g.addEdge(float2(i, j), float2(i, j+1));
// g.addEdge(float2(i, j), float2(i+1, j-1));
// g.addEdge(float2(i, j), float2(i+1, j));
// g.addEdge(float2(i, j), float2(i+1, j+1));
// }
// REQUIRE( numberOfVertices(g) == N*M );
// // REQUIRE( numberOfEdges(g) == numberOfEdges(N, M)*2 );
// }
// }