@ -452,48 +452,3 @@ compile_iscsi() {
rm -rf " ${ ISCSI_DIR } " > /dev/null
rm -rf " ${ ISCSI_DIR } " > /dev/null
compile_gpg( ) {
if [ -f " ${ GPG_BINCACHE } " ]
print_info 1 "gnupg: >> Using cache"
[ ! -f " ${ GPG_SRCTAR } " ] &&
gen_die " Could not find gnupg source tarball: ${ GPG_SRCTAR } . Please place it there, or place another version, changing /etc/genkernel.conf as necessary! "
cd " ${ TEMP } "
rm -rf " ${ GPG_DIR } "
tar -jxf " ${ GPG_SRCTAR } "
[ ! -d " ${ GPG_DIR } " ] &&
gen_die " gnupg directory ${ GPG_DIR } invalid "
cd " ${ GPG_DIR } "
apply_patches gnupg ${ GPG_VER }
print_info 1 'gnupg: >> Configuring...'
# --enable-minimal works, but it doesn't reduce the command length much.
# Given its history and the precision this needs, explicit is cleaner.
LDFLAGS = '-static' CFLAGS = '-Os' ./configure --prefix= / \
--enable-static-rnd= linux --disable-dev-random --disable-asm \
--disable-selinux-support --disable-gnupg-iconv --disable-card-support \
--disable-agent-support --disable-bzip2 --disable-exec \
--disable-photo-viewers --disable-keyserver-helpers --disable-ldap \
--disable-hkp --disable-finger --disable-generic --disable-mailto \
--disable-keyserver-path --disable-dns-srv --disable-dns-pka \
--disable-dns-cert --disable-nls --disable-threads --disable-regex \
--disable-optimization --with-included-zlib --without-capabilities \
--without-tar --without-ldap --without-libcurl --without-mailprog \
--without-libpth-prefix --without-libiconv-prefix --without-libintl-prefix\
--without-zlib --without-bzip2 --without-libusb --without-readline \
>> ${ LOGFILE } 2>& 1 || gen_die 'Configuring gnupg failed!'
print_info 1 'gnupg: >> Compiling...'
compile_generic "" "utils"
print_info 1 'gnupg: >> Copying to cache...'
[ -f " ${ TEMP } / ${ GPG_DIR } /g10/gpg " ] ||
gen_die 'gnupg executable does not exist!'
strip " ${ TEMP } / ${ GPG_DIR } /g10/gpg " ||
gen_die 'Could not strip gpg binary!'
bzip2 -z -c " ${ TEMP } / ${ GPG_DIR } /g10/gpg " > " ${ GPG_BINCACHE } " ||
gen_die 'Could not copy the gpg binary to the package directory, does the directory exist?'
cd " ${ TEMP } "
rm -rf " ${ GPG_DIR } " > /dev/null