@ -513,9 +513,10 @@ compile_dmraid() {
./configure --enable-static_link --prefix= ${ TEMP } /dmraid >> ${ DEBUGFILE } 2>& 1 ||
gen_die 'Configure of dmraid failed!'
#We dont necessarily have selinux installed yet .. look into selinux global support in the future.
# sed -i tools/Makefile -e "s|DMRAIDLIBS += -lselinux||g"
echo "DMRAIDLIBS += -lselinux -lsepol" >> tools/Makefile
# We dont necessarily have selinux installed yet... look into
# selinux global support in the future.
sed -i tools/Makefile -e "s|DMRAIDLIBS += -lselinux||g"
###echo "DMRAIDLIBS += -lselinux -lsepol" >> tools/Makefile
mkdir -p " ${ TEMP } /dmraid "
print_info 1 'dmraid: >> Compiling...'
compile_generic '' utils
@ -738,8 +739,10 @@ compile_device_mapper() {
[ ! -d " ${ DEVICE_MAPPER_DIR } " ] &&
gen_die " device-mapper directory ${ DEVICE_MAPPER_DIR } invalid "
./configure --prefix= ${ TEMP } /device-mapper --enable-static_link >> ${ DEBUGFILE } 2>& 1 ||
gen_die 'Configuring device-mapper failed!'
mymapperconf = "--enable-static_link"
###mymapperconf="--disable-selinux ${mymapperconf}"
./configure --prefix= ${ TEMP } /device-mapper ${ mymapperconf } \
>> ${ DEBUGFILE } 2>& 1 || gen_die 'Configuring device-mapper failed!'
print_info 1 'device-mapper: >> Compiling...'
compile_generic '' utils
compile_generic 'install' utils