#version check qt: some functions introduced in 4.6 contains(QT_VERSION, ^4\\.[0-5]\\..*) { message("Cannot build Qt Creator with Qt version $${QT_VERSION}.") error("Use at least Qt 4.6.") } QT += core gui svg xml CONFIG += warn_on TARGET = qtmindmap TEMPLATE = app SOURCES += src/main.cpp \ src/mainwindow.cpp \ src/graphwidget.cpp \ src/node.cpp \ src/edge.cpp \ src/systemtray.cpp \ src/argumentparser.cpp HEADERS += include/mainwindow.h \ include/graphwidget.h \ include/node.h \ include/edge.h \ include/systemtray.h \ include/argumentparser.h FORMS += ui/mainwindow.ui RESOURCES += images/qtmindmap.qrc # the translation hack include(lang/locale.pri) INSTALLS += target translations desktop icon target.path = /usr/bin translations.files += .qm/i18n translations.path += /usr/share/qtmindmap desktop.files += qtmindmap.desktop desktop.path += /usr/share/applications icon.files += images/qtmindmap.svg icon.path += /usr/share/pixmaps