@ -11,11 +11,9 @@ const double Node::m_oneAndHalfPi = Node::m_pi * 1.5;
const double Node::m_twoPi = Node::m_pi * 2.0;
const QColor Node::m_gold(255,215,0);
const QColor Node::m_orange(255,102,0);
Node::Node(GraphWidget *parent) :
@ -35,11 +33,6 @@ Node::~Node()
foreach (EdgeElement element, m_edgeList) delete element.edge;
void Node::moveNode(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
void Node::addEdge(Edge *edge, bool startsFromThisNode)
m_edgeList.push_back(EdgeElement(edge, startsFromThisNode));
@ -75,26 +68,83 @@ void Node::removeEdgeFromList(Edge *edge)
//void Node::adjustEdges()
// foreach (EdgeElement element, m_edgeList) element.edge->adjust();
// edges from this Node. Exclude secondaries if needed (calc subtree)
QList<Edge *> Node::edgesFrom(const bool &excludeSecondaries) const
QList<Edge *> list;
void Node::setBorder(const bool &hasBorder)
foreach(EdgeElement element, m_edgeList)
if (element.startsFromThisNode &&
(!element.edge->secondary() || !excludeSecondaries))
return list;
// edges to this node (max 1 primary and any number of secondaries)
QList<Edge *> Node::edgesToThis(const bool &excludeSecondaries) const
m_hasBorder = hasBorder;
QList<Edge *> list;
foreach(EdgeElement element, m_edgeList)
if (!element.startsFromThisNode &&
(!element.edge->secondary() || !excludeSecondaries))
return list;
/** @note Used to have some disorder here, how does an active node looks like?
* Let is have border but the color shall not change, shadow is messy too.
// the edge from this Node to the parameter Node
Edge * Node::edgeTo(const Node *node) const
foreach(EdgeElement element, m_edgeList)
if ((element.edge->sourceNode() == node ||
element.edge->destNode() == node))
return element.edge;
void Node::setActive(const bool &active)
return 0;
QList<Node *> Node::subtree() const
m_isActive = active;
/** @note QList crashes if modified while traversal,
* QMutableListIterator lacks push_back, using good old std::list
std::list<Node *> list;
list.push_back(const_cast<Node *>(this));
// inorder: push_back the list of children Nodes of iterator
for(std::list<Node *>::const_iterator it = list.begin();
it != list.end();
QList<Edge *> edges = (*it)->edgesFrom();
foreach(Edge *edge, edges)
if (!edge->secondary())
list.push_back( edge->destNode() != this ?
return QList<Node *>::fromStdList(list);
// return thue if this and the parameter Node is connected with an edge
bool Node::isConnected(const Node *node) const
foreach (EdgeElement element, m_edgeList)
if (element.edge->sourceNode() == node ||
element.edge->destNode() == node)
return true;
return false;
void Node::setBorder(const bool &hasBorder)
m_hasBorder = hasBorder;
void Node::setEditable(const bool &editable)
@ -106,6 +156,8 @@ void Node::setEditable(const bool &editable)
// set cursor to the end
QTextCursor c = textCursor();
@ -125,17 +177,20 @@ void Node::setTextColor(const QColor &color)
void Node::setScale(const qreal &factor,const QRectF &sceneRect)
// limit scale to a reasonable size
if (factor * scale() < 0.4 ||
factor * scale() > 4 )
// cannot scale out the Node from the scene
if (!sceneRect.contains(pos() +
boundingRect().bottomRight() * scale() * factor))
QGraphicsTextItem::setScale(factor * scale());
// scale edges to this Node too
foreach(EdgeElement element, m_edgeList)
if (!element.startsFromThisNode)
@ -154,15 +209,11 @@ void Node::showNumber(const int &number,
void Node::insertPicture(const QString &picture, const int &pos)
void Node::insertPicture(const QString &picture)
QTextCursor c = textCursor();
if (pos)
// strange, picture looks bad when node is scaled up
c.insertHtml(QString("<img src=").append(picture).
append(" width=15 height=15></img>"));
@ -170,18 +221,56 @@ void Node::insertPicture(const QString &picture, const int &pos)
foreach (EdgeElement element, m_edgeList) element.edge->adjust();
double Node::calculateBiggestAngle()
QPointF Node::intersection(const QLineF &line, const bool &reverse) const
/// @note What a shame, the following does not work,
/// doing it with brute (unaccurate) force
// QPainterPath nodeShape(shape());
// nodeShape.translate(pos());
// QPainterPath l;
// l.moveTo(line.p1());
// l.lineTo(line.p2());
// return nodeShape.intersected(l);
QPainterPath path;
path.addRoundedRect(sceneBoundingRect(), 28.0, 28.0);
if (reverse)
for (qreal t = 1; t!=0; t-=0.01)
if (!path.contains(line.pointAt(t)))
return line.pointAt(t);
for (qreal t = 0; t!=1; t+=0.01)
if (!path.contains(line.pointAt(t)))
return line.pointAt(t);
return QPointF(0,0);
double Node::calculateBiggestAngle() const
// in no edge, return with 12 o'clock
if (m_edgeList.empty())
return Node::m_oneAndHalfPi;
// if there is only one edge, return with it's extension
if (m_edgeList.size()==1)
return m_edgeList.first().startsFromThisNode ?
Node::m_pi - m_edgeList.first().edge->angle() :
Node::m_twoPi - m_edgeList.first().edge->angle();
// put angles of every edges from this node to a list
QList<double> tmp;
for(QList<EdgeElement>::iterator it = m_edgeList.begin();
for(QList<EdgeElement>::const_iterator it = m_edgeList.begin();
it != m_edgeList.end(); it++)
tmp.push_back(it->startsFromThisNode ?
@ -190,6 +279,7 @@ double Node::calculateBiggestAngle()
qSort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
// find the biggest diffrence, store prev angle
double prev(tmp.first());
double max_prev(tmp.last());
double max(Node::m_twoPi - tmp.last() + tmp.first());
@ -204,6 +294,7 @@ double Node::calculateBiggestAngle()
prev = *it;
// return with prev angle + max diff / 2
return Node::m_twoPi - doubleModulo(max_prev + max / 2, Node::m_twoPi);
@ -258,117 +349,6 @@ void Node::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
///@note leaving editing mode is done with esc, handled by graphwidget
bool Node::isConnected(const Node *node) const
foreach (EdgeElement element, m_edgeList)
if (element.edge->sourceNode() == node ||
element.edge->destNode() == node)
return true;
return false;
QPointF Node::intersection(const QLineF &line, const bool &reverse) const
/// @note What a shame, the following does not work,
/// doing it with brute (unaccurate) force
// QPainterPath shape;
// shape.addRoundedRect(sceneBoundingRect(), 20.0, 15.0);
// QPainterPath l;
// l.moveTo(sceneBoundingRect().center());
// l.lineTo(line.p2());
// return shape.intersected(l).pointAtPercent(0.5);
QPainterPath path;
path.addRoundedRect(sceneBoundingRect(), 28.0, 28.0);
if (reverse)
for (qreal t = 1; t!=0; t-=0.01)
if (!path.contains(line.pointAt(t)))
return line.pointAt(t);
for (qreal t = 0; t!=1; t+=0.01)
if (!path.contains(line.pointAt(t)))
return line.pointAt(t);
return QPointF(0,0);
QList<Edge *> Node::edgesFrom(const bool &excludeSecondaries) const
QList<Edge *> list;
foreach(EdgeElement element, m_edgeList)
if (element.startsFromThisNode &&
(!element.edge->secondary() || !excludeSecondaries))
return list;
QList<Edge *> Node::edgesToThis(const bool &excludeSecondaries) const
QList<Edge *> list;
foreach(EdgeElement element, m_edgeList)
if (!element.startsFromThisNode &&
(!element.edge->secondary() || !excludeSecondaries))
return list;
Edge * Node::edgeTo(const Node *node) const
foreach(EdgeElement element, m_edgeList)
if ((element.edge->sourceNode() == node ||
element.edge->destNode() == node))
return element.edge;
return 0;
QList<Node *> Node::subtree() const
/** @note QList crashes if modified while traversal,
* QMutableListIterator lacks push_back
std::list<Node *> list;
list.push_back(const_cast<Node *>(this));
// inorder
for(std::list<Node *>::const_iterator it = list.begin();
it != list.end();
QList<Edge *> edges = (*it)->edgesFrom();
if (!edges.empty())
foreach(Edge *edge, edges)
if (!edge->secondary())
list.push_back( edge->destNode() != this ?
return QList<Node *>::fromStdList(list);
void Node::paint(QPainter *painter,
const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option,
QWidget *w)
@ -379,7 +359,6 @@ void Node::paint(QPainter *painter,
painter->setBrush(m_numberIsSpecial ? Qt::green : Qt::yellow);
painter->drawRoundedRect(boundingRect(), 20.0, 15.0);
@ -415,29 +394,29 @@ QVariant Node::itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value)
switch (change) {
case ItemPositionChange:
// Node is about to move, check borders
if (change == ItemPositionChange && scene())
QPointF newPos = value.toPointF();
// the fence is reduced with the size of the node
QRectF rect (scene()->sceneRect().topLeft(),
scene()->sceneRect().bottomRight() -
boundingRect().bottomRight() * scale() );
if (!rect.contains(newPos))
// value is the new position.
QPointF newPos = value.toPointF();
// the fence is reduced with the size of the node
QRectF rect (scene()->sceneRect().topLeft(),
scene()->sceneRect().bottomRight() -
boundingRect().bottomRight() * scale() );
if (!rect.contains(newPos))
// Keep the item inside the scene rect.
newPos.setX(qMin(rect.right(), qMax(newPos.x(), rect.left())));
newPos.setY(qMin(rect.bottom(), qMax(newPos.y(), rect.top())));
return newPos;
// Keep the item inside the scene rect.
newPos.setX(qMin(rect.right(), qMax(newPos.x(), rect.left())));
newPos.setY(qMin(rect.bottom(), qMax(newPos.y(), rect.top())));
return newPos;
case ItemPositionHasChanged:
// Notify parent, adjust edges that a move has happended.
foreach (EdgeElement element, m_edgeList) element.edge->adjust();
@ -467,6 +446,7 @@ void Node::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
// notify parent so subtree can be moved too if necessary
void Node::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
@ -479,16 +459,16 @@ QPainterPath Node::shape () const
return path;
// leave editing mode when user clicks on the view elsewhere for example
void Node::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *event)
qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
double Node::doubleModulo(const double &devided, const double &devisor)
// there is no such thing as modulo operator for double :P
double Node::doubleModulo(const double &devided, const double &devisor) const
return devided - static_cast<double>(devisor * static_cast<int>(devided
/ devisor));