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12 years ago
#ifndef GRAPH_H
#define GRAPH_H
#include <vector>
#include <list>
12 years ago
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
12 years ago
12 years ago
// directed, weighted
/// @todo weight type as param too?
12 years ago
template <typename T>
class Graph {
class Vertex;
class EdgeTo;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef T value_type;
typedef T* pointer;
typedef const T* const_pointer;
typedef T& reference;
typedef const T& const_reference;
typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
struct Edge {
12 years ago
Edge() : m_source(0), m_destination(0), m_weight(0) {}
Edge(pointer source, pointer destination, float weight)
: m_source(source), m_destination(destination), m_weight(weight) {}
Edge(const Edge& o)
: m_source(o.m_source), m_destination(o.m_destination), m_weight(o.m_weight) {}
Edge& operator=(Edge o) { swap(o); return *this; }
12 years ago
pointer getSource() const { return m_source; }
pointer getDestination() const { return m_destination; }
float getWeight() const { return m_weight; }
12 years ago
void swap(Edge& o);
pointer m_source;
pointer m_destination;
12 years ago
float m_weight;
typedef Edge* edge_pointer;
typedef Edge& edge_reference;
12 years ago
Graph() : m_vertices() {}
12 years ago
// Capacity
bool empty() const { return m_vertices.empty(); }
size_type numberOfVertices() const { return m_vertices.size(); }
size_type numberOfEdges() const;
12 years ago
// Modifiers
bool addVertex(const_reference data);
bool removeVertex(const_reference data);
bool addEdge(const_reference source, const_reference destination, float weight = 0);
bool removeEdge(const_reference source, const_reference destination, float weight = 0);
bool removeAllEdges(const_reference source, const_reference destination);
12 years ago
// Lookup
bool contains(const_reference data) const { return find(data) != m_vertices.end(); }
std::vector<pointer> vertices() const;
std::vector<pointer> neighboursOf(const_reference data) const;
/// @todo come up with a more clear name
std::vector<float> edgesBetween(const_reference source, const_reference destination) const;
std::vector<Edge> edges() const;
12 years ago
// iterators
class vertex_iterator : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag,
friend class Graph;
typedef vertex_iterator self_type;
typedef vertex_iterator& reference_self_type;
typedef const vertex_iterator& const_reference_self_type;
vertex_iterator() : m_it() {}
~vertex_iterator() {}
vertex_iterator(const_reference_self_type o) : m_it(o.m_it) {}
reference_self_type operator=(self_type o) { swap(o); return *this; }
pointer operator*() { return (*m_it).m_data; }
pointer operator->() { return (*m_it).m_data; }
self_type &operator++() { ++m_it; return *this; }
self_type operator++(int) { self_type tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp; }
self_type operator+(difference_type n) { self_type tmp(*this); tmp.pos_ += n; return tmp; }
self_type &operator+=(difference_type n) { m_it += n; return *this; }
bool operator==(const_reference_self_type o) const { return m_it == o.m_it; }
bool operator!=(const_reference_self_type o) const { return !(*this == o); }
void swap(reference_self_type o) { std::swap(m_it, o.m_it); }
vertex_iterator(typename std::vector<Vertex>::iterator it) : m_it(it) {}
typename std::vector<Vertex>::iterator m_it;
vertex_iterator vertex_begin() { return vertex_iterator(m_vertices.begin()); }
vertex_iterator vertex_end() { return vertex_iterator(m_vertices.end()); }
class edge_iterator : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag,
friend class Graph;
typedef edge_iterator self_type;
typedef edge_iterator& reference_self_type;
typedef const edge_iterator& const_reference_self_type;
edge_iterator() : m_vertices(), m_vertex_it(), m_edge_it(), m_edge(0) {}
~edge_iterator() { if (m_edge) delete m_edge; }
edge_iterator(const_reference_self_type o)
: m_vertices(o.m_vertices), m_vertex_it(o.m_vertex_it), m_edge_it(o.m_edge_it), m_edge(0) {}
reference_self_type operator=(self_type o) { swap(o); return *this; }
edge_reference operator*() { resetEdge(); return *m_edge; }
edge_pointer operator->() { resetEdge(); return m_edge; }
self_type &operator++() { advance(1); return *this; }
self_type operator++(int) { self_type tmp(*this); advance(1); return tmp; }
self_type operator+(difference_type n) { self_type tmp(*this); tmp.pos_ += n; return tmp; }
self_type &operator+=(difference_type n) { advance(n); return *this; }
bool operator==(const_reference_self_type o) const;
bool operator!=(const_reference_self_type o) const { return !(*this == o); }
void swap(reference_self_type other);
edge_iterator(std::vector<Vertex> vertices, bool begin = true);
void resetEdge();
void advance(int n);
std::vector<Vertex> m_vertices;
typename std::vector<Vertex>::iterator m_vertex_it;
typename std::list<EdgeTo>::iterator m_edge_it;
edge_pointer m_edge;
edge_iterator edge_begin() { return edge_iterator(m_vertices); }
edge_iterator edge_end() { return edge_iterator(m_vertices, false); }
struct EdgeTo {
EdgeTo(const_reference destination, float weight = 0)
: m_destination(const_cast<pointer>(&destination)), m_weight(weight) {}
EdgeTo(const EdgeTo& o) : m_destination(o.m_destination), m_weight(o.m_weight) {}
EdgeTo& operator=(EdgeTo o) { swap(o); return *this; }
bool operator==(const EdgeTo& other) const
{ return m_destination == other.m_destination && m_weight == other.m_weight; }
void swap(EdgeTo& o)
{ std::swap(m_destination, o.m_destination); std::swap(m_vertices, o.m_weight); }
pointer m_destination;
float m_weight;
struct Vertex {
Vertex(const_reference data) : m_data(const_cast<pointer>(&data)) , m_edges() {}
Vertex(const Vertex& o) : m_data(o.m_data), m_edges(o.m_edges) {}
Vertex& operator=(Vertex o) { swap(o); return *this; }
bool operator==(const Vertex& other) const;
void addEdge(const_reference destination, float weight = 0)
{ m_edges.push_back(EdgeTo(destination, weight)); }
void removeEdge(const_reference destination, float weight = 0);
void removeAllEdgesTo(const_reference destination);
std::vector<Edge> edges() const;
void swap(Vertex& o)
{ std::swap(m_data, o.m_data); std::swap (m_edges, o.m_edges); }
pointer m_data;
std::list<EdgeTo> m_edges;
Graph<T>(const Graph<T>& o) { /** @todo impelemnt me */ }
Graph<T>& operator=(const Graph<T>& o) { /** @todo impelemnt me */ }
typename std::vector<Vertex >::const_iterator find(const_reference data) const;
typename std::vector<Vertex >::iterator find(const_reference data);
std::vector<Vertex> m_vertices;
12 years ago
// Edge
template <typename T>
void Graph<T>::Edge::swap(Edge& o)
std::swap(m_source, o.m_source);
std::swap(m_destination, o.m_destination);
std::swap(m_weight, o.m_weight);
// edge iterator
template <typename T>
bool Graph<T>::edge_iterator::operator==(const_reference_self_type o) const
const bool this_is_at_end = m_vertex_it == m_vertices.end();
const bool other_is_at_end = o.m_vertex_it == o.m_vertices.end();
if ( this_is_at_end && other_is_at_end ) return true;
if ( this_is_at_end != other_is_at_end ) return false;
return *m_vertex_it == *(o.m_vertex_it) &&
*m_edge_it == *(o.m_edge_it);
template <typename T>
void Graph<T>::edge_iterator::swap(reference_self_type other)
std::swap(m_vertices, other.m_vertices);
std::swap(m_vertex_it, other.m_vertex_it);
std::swap(m_edge_it, other.m_edge_it);
std::swap(m_edge, other.m_edge);
template <typename T>
Graph<T>::edge_iterator::edge_iterator(std::vector<Vertex> vertices, bool begin)
: m_vertices(vertices), m_vertex_it(), m_edge_it(), m_edge(0)
if (begin) {
m_vertex_it = m_vertices.begin();
while (m_vertex_it != m_vertices.end() && m_vertices.empty())
if (m_vertex_it != m_vertices.end())
m_edge_it = (*m_vertex_it).m_edges.begin();
} else {
m_vertex_it = m_vertices.end();
template <typename T>
void Graph<T>::edge_iterator::resetEdge()
if (m_edge) delete m_edge;
if (m_vertex_it == m_vertices.end() || (*m_vertex_it).m_edges.empty()) {
m_edge = 0;
} else {
m_edge = new Edge((*m_vertex_it).m_data,
template <typename T>
void Graph<T>::edge_iterator::advance(int n)
while (n > 0 && m_vertex_it != m_vertices.end()) {
const int edgesAhead = std::distance(m_edge_it, (*m_vertex_it).m_edges.end()) - 1;
if (n <= edgesAhead) {
std::advance(m_edge_it, n);
if (edgesAhead > 0) n -= edgesAhead;
if (m_vertex_it != m_vertices.end()) {
m_edge_it = (*m_vertex_it).m_edges.begin();
if (m_edge_it != (*m_vertex_it).m_edges.end())
12 years ago
// Vertex
template <typename T>
bool Graph<T>::Vertex::operator==(const Vertex& other) const
return m_data == other.m_data &&
m_edges.size() == other.m_edges.size() &&
m_edges == other.m_edges;
12 years ago
template <typename T>
void Graph<T>::Vertex::removeEdge(const_reference destination, float weight)
12 years ago
m_edges.erase(std::find_if(m_edges.begin(), m_edges.end(),
[&destination, &weight](const EdgeTo& e)
12 years ago
{ return e.m_destination == destination &&
e.m_weight == weight;}));
template <typename T>
void Graph<T>::Vertex::removeAllEdgesTo(const_reference destination)
12 years ago
std::remove_if(m_edges.begin(), m_edges.end(),
[&destination](const EdgeTo& e)
12 years ago
{ return e.m_destination == destination; });
template <typename T>
std::vector<typename Graph<T>::Edge> Graph<T>::Vertex::edges() const
std::vector<Graph<T>::Edge> retval;
std::for_each(m_edges.begin(), m_edges.end(),
[&retval, this](const EdgeTo& e)
{ retval.push_back(Edge(this->m_data, e.m_destination, e.m_weight)); });
return retval;
12 years ago
// Graph
template <typename T>
typename Graph<T>::size_type Graph<T>::numberOfEdges() const
12 years ago
return std::accumulate(m_vertices.begin(), m_vertices.end(), 0,
[](int sum, const Vertex& v)
12 years ago
{ return sum + v.m_edges.size(); });
template <typename T>
bool Graph<T>::addVertex(const_reference data)
12 years ago
if (find(data) != m_vertices.end())
return false;
12 years ago
return true;
template <typename T>
bool Graph<T>::removeVertex(const_reference data)
12 years ago
typename std::vector<Vertex>::iterator it = find(data);
if (it == m_vertices.end())
return false;
return true;
template <typename T>
bool Graph<T>::addEdge(const_reference source, const_reference destination, float weight)
12 years ago
typename std::vector<Vertex>::iterator source_it = find(source);
if (source_it == m_vertices.end())
return false;
typename std::vector<Vertex>::iterator destination_it = find(destination);
if (destination_it == m_vertices.end())
return false;
(*source_it).addEdge(destination, weight);
return true;
template <typename T>
bool Graph<T>::removeEdge(const_reference source, const_reference destination, float weight)
12 years ago
typename std::vector<Vertex>::iterator it = find(source);
if (it == m_vertices.end())
return false;
(*it).removeEdge(destination, weight);
return true;
template <typename T>
bool Graph<T>::removeAllEdges(const_reference source, const_reference destination)
12 years ago
typename std::vector<Vertex>::iterator it = find(source);
if (it == m_vertices.end())
return false;
return true;
template <typename T>
std::vector<typename Graph<T>::pointer> Graph<T>::vertices() const
12 years ago
std::vector<T*> retval;
12 years ago
std::for_each(m_vertices.begin(), m_vertices.end(),
[&retval](const Vertex& v)
{ retval.push_back(v.m_data); });
12 years ago
return retval;
template <typename T>
std::vector<typename Graph<T>::pointer> Graph<T>::neighboursOf(const_reference data) const
12 years ago
typename std::vector<T*> retval;
12 years ago
typename std::vector<Vertex >::const_iterator vertex_it = find(data);
if (vertex_it == m_vertices.end())
return retval;
std::for_each((*vertex_it).m_edges.begin(), (*vertex_it).m_edges.end(),
[&retval](const EdgeTo& e)
{ retval.push_back(e.m_destination); });
12 years ago
return retval;
template <typename T>
std::vector<float> Graph<T>::edgesBetween(const_reference source, const_reference destination) const
12 years ago
std::vector<float> retval;
12 years ago
typename std::vector<Vertex>::const_iterator vertex_it = find(source);
if (vertex_it == m_vertices.end())
return retval;
std::for_each((*vertex_it).m_edges.begin(), (*vertex_it).m_edges.end(),
[&retval, &destination](const EdgeTo& e)
{ if (*(e.m_destination) == destination)
retval.push_back(e.m_weight); });
12 years ago
return retval;
template <typename T>
std::vector<typename Graph<T>::Edge> Graph<T>::edges() const
std::vector<typename Graph<T>::Edge> retval;
std::for_each(m_vertices.begin(), m_vertices.end(),
[&retval](const Vertex& v)
{ const std::vector<Edge> e = v.edges();
retval.insert(retval.end(), e.begin(), e.end());
return retval;
12 years ago
template <typename T>
typename std::vector<typename Graph<T>::Vertex >::const_iterator Graph<T>::find(const_reference data) const
12 years ago
return std::find_if(m_vertices.begin(), m_vertices.end(),
[&data](const Vertex& v)
{ return *(v.m_data) == data; });
12 years ago
template <typename T>
typename std::vector<typename Graph<T>::Vertex >::iterator Graph<T>::find(const_reference data)
12 years ago
return std::find_if(m_vertices.begin(), m_vertices.end(),
[&data](const Vertex& v)
{ return *(v.m_data) == data; });
12 years ago
#endif // GRAPH_H