#!/bin/bash CPIO_ARGS="--quiet -o -H newc" append_base_layout() { if [ -d "${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp" ] then rm -rf "${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp" > /dev/null fi mkdir -p ${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp/dev mkdir -p ${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp/bin mkdir -p ${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp/etc mkdir -p ${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp/usr mkdir -p ${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp/proc mkdir -p ${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp/temp mkdir -p ${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp/sys mkdir -p ${TEMP}/initramfs-temp/.initrd mkdir -p ${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp/var/lock/dmraid mkdir -p ${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp/sbin mkdir -p ${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp/usr/bin mkdir -p ${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp/usr/sbin ln -s lib ${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp/lib64 echo "/dev/ram0 / ext2 defaults 0 0" > ${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp/etc/fstab echo "proc /proc proc defaults 0 0" >> ${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp/etc/fstab if [ "${DEVFS}" -eq '1' ] then echo "REGISTER .* MKOLDCOMPAT" > ${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp/etc/devfsd.conf echo "UNREGISTER .* RMOLDCOMPAT" >> ${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp/etc/devfsd.conf echo "REGISTER .* MKNEWCOMPAT" >> ${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp/etc/devfsd.conf echo "UNREGISTER .* RMNEWCOMPAT" >> ${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp/etc/devfsd.conf fi cd ${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp/dev mknod -m 660 console c 5 1 mknod -m 660 null c 1 3 mknod -m 600 tty1 c 4 1 cd "${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp/" find . -print | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} --append -F "${CPIO}" rm -rf "${TEMP}/initramfs-base-temp" > /dev/null } append_busybox() { if [ -d "${TEMP}/initramfs-busybox-temp" ] then rm -rf "${TEMP}/initramfs-busybox-temp" > /dev/null fi mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-busybox-temp/bin/" cp "${GK_SHARE}/generic/udhcpc.scripts" ${TEMP}/initramfs-busybox-temp/bin/ chmod +x "${TEMP}/initramfs-busybox-temp/bin/udhcpc.scripts" cp "${BUSYBOX_BINCACHE}" "${TEMP}/initramfs-busybox-temp/bin/busybox.tar.bz2" || gen_die 'Could not copy busybox from bincache!' tar -xjf "${TEMP}/initramfs-busybox-temp/bin/busybox.tar.bz2" -C "${TEMP}/initramfs-busybox-temp/bin" busybox || gen_die 'Could not extract busybox bincache!' chmod +x "${TEMP}/initramfs-busybox-temp/bin/busybox" # down devfsd we use with dietlibc # cp "${DEVFSD_CONF_BINCACHE}" "${TEMP}/initramfs-temp/etc/devfsd.conf.bz2" || # gen_die "could not copy devfsd.conf from bincache" # bunzip2 "${TEMP}/initramfs-temp/etc/devfsd.conf.bz2" || # gen_die "could not uncompress devfsd.conf" for i in '[' ash sh mount uname echo cut; do rm -f ${TEMP}/initramfs-busybox-temp/bin/$i > /dev/null ln ${TEMP}/initramfs-busybox-temp/bin/busybox ${TEMP}/initramfs-busybox-temp/bin/$i || gen_die "Busybox error: could not link ${i}!" done cd "${TEMP}/initramfs-busybox-temp/" find . -print | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} --append -F "${CPIO}" rm -rf "${TEMP}/initramfs-busybox-temp" > /dev/null } append_insmod() { if [ -d "${TEMP}/initramfs-insmod-temp" ] then rm -rf "${TEMP}/initramfs-insmod-temp" > /dev/null fi mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-insmod-temp/bin/" cp "${MODULE_INIT_TOOLS_BINCACHE}" "${TEMP}/initramfs-insmod-temp/bin/insmod.static.bz2" || gen_die 'Could not copy insmod.static from bincache!' bunzip2 "${TEMP}/initramfs-insmod-temp/bin/insmod.static.bz2" || gen_die 'Could not uncompress insmod.static!' mv "${TEMP}/initramfs-insmod-temp/bin/insmod.static" "${TEMP}/initramfs-insmod-temp/bin/insmod" chmod +x "${TEMP}/initramfs-insmod-temp/bin/insmod" cd "${TEMP}/initramfs-insmod-temp/" find . -print | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} --append -F "${CPIO}" rm -rf "${TEMP}/initramfs-insmod-temp" > /dev/null } append_udev(){ if [ -d "${TEMP}/initramfs-udev-temp" ] then rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-udev-temp/" fi cd ${TEMP} mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-udev-temp/bin/" [ "${UDEV}" -eq '1' ] && { /bin/tar -jxpf "${UDEV_BINCACHE}" -C "${TEMP}/initramfs-udev-temp" || gen_die "Could not extract udev binary cache!"; } cd "${TEMP}/initramfs-udev-temp/" find . -print | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} --append -F "${CPIO}" rm -rf "${TEMP}/initramfs-udev-temp" > /dev/null } append_blkid(){ if [ -d "${TEMP}/initramfs-blkid-temp" ] then rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-blkid-temp/" fi cd ${TEMP} mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-blkid-temp/bin/" [ "${DISKLABEL}" -eq '1' ] && { /bin/bzip2 -dc "${BLKID_BINCACHE}" > "${TEMP}/initramfs-blkid-temp/bin/blkid" || gen_die "Could not extract blkid binary cache!"; } chmod a+x "${TEMP}/initramfs-blkid-temp/bin/blkid" cd "${TEMP}/initramfs-blkid-temp/" find . -print | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} --append -F "${CPIO}" rm -rf "${TEMP}/initramfs-blkid-temp" > /dev/null } append_devfs(){ if [ -d "${TEMP}/initramfs-devfs-temp" ] then rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-devfs-temp/" fi cd ${TEMP} print_info 1 'DEVFS: Adding support (compiling binaries)...' compile_devfsd mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-devfs-temp/bin/" cp "${DEVFSD_BINCACHE}" "${TEMP}/initramfs-devfs-temp/bin/devfsd.bz2" || gen_die "could not copy devfsd executable from bincache" bunzip2 "${TEMP}/initramfs-devfs-temp/bin/devfsd.bz2" || gen_die "could not uncompress devfsd" chmod +x "${TEMP}/initramfs-devfs-temp/bin/devfsd" cd "${TEMP}/initramfs-devfs-temp/" find . -print | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} --append -F "${CPIO}" rm -rf "${TEMP}/initramfs-devfs-temp" > /dev/null } append_unionfs_modules(){ if [ -d "${TEMP}/initramfs-unionfs-modules-temp" ] then rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-unionfs-modules-temp/" fi print_info 1 'UNIONFS MODULES: Adding support (compiling)...' compile_unionfs_modules mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-unionfs-modules-temp/" /bin/tar -jxpf "${UNIONFS_MODULES_BINCACHE}" -C "${TEMP}/initramfs-unionfs-modules-temp" || gen_die "Could not extract unionfs modules binary cache!"; cd "${TEMP}/initramfs-unionfs-modules-temp/" find . -print | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} --append -F "${CPIO}" rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-unionfs-modules-temp/" } append_unionfs_tools(){ if [ -d "${TEMP}/initramfs-unionfs-tools-temp" ] then rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-unionfs-tools-temp/" fi print_info 1 'UNIONFS TOOLS: Adding support (compiling)...' compile_unionfs_utils mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-unionfs-tools-temp/bin/" /bin/tar -jxpf "${UNIONFS_BINCACHE}" -C "${TEMP}/initramfs-unionfs-tools-temp" || gen_die "Could not extract unionfs tools binary cache!"; cd "${TEMP}/initramfs-unionfs-tools-temp/" find . -print | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} --append -F "${CPIO}" rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-unionfs-tools-temp/" } append_suspend(){ if [ -d "${TEMP}/initramfs-suspend-temp" ]; then rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-suspend-temp/" fi print_info 1 'SUSPEND: Adding support (compiling binaries)...' compile_suspend mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-suspend-temp/" /bin/tar -jxpf "${SUSPEND_BINCACHE}" -C "${TEMP}/initramfs-suspend-temp" || gen_die "Could not extract suspend binary cache!" mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-suspend-temp/etc" cp -f /etc/suspend.conf "${TEMP}/initramfs-suspend-temp/etc" || gen_die 'Could not copy /etc/suspend.conf' cd "${TEMP}/initramfs-suspend-temp/" find . -print | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} --append -F "${CPIO}" rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-suspend-temp/" } append_dmraid(){ if [ -d "${TEMP}/initramfs-dmraid-temp" ] then rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-dmraid-temp/" fi print_info 1 'DMRAID: Adding support (compiling binaries)...' compile_dmraid mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-dmraid-temp/" /bin/tar -jxpf "${DMRAID_BINCACHE}" -C "${TEMP}/initramfs-dmraid-temp" || gen_die "Could not extract dmraid binary cache!"; cd "${TEMP}/initramfs-dmraid-temp/" find . -print | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} --append -F "${CPIO}" rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-dmraid-temp/" } append_lvm2(){ if [ -d "${TEMP}/initramfs-lvm2-temp" ] then rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-lvm2-temp/" fi cd ${TEMP} mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-lvm2-temp/bin/" mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-lvm2-temp/etc/lvm/" if [ -e '/sbin/lvm' ] && LC_ALL="C" ldd /sbin/lvm|grep -q 'not a dynamic executable' then print_info 1 ' LVM2: Adding support (using local static binaries)...' cp /sbin/lvm "${TEMP}/initramfs-lvm2-temp/bin/lvm" || gen_die 'Could not copy over lvm!' else print_info 1 ' LVM2: Adding support (compiling binaries)...' compile_lvm2 /bin/tar -jxpf "${LVM2_BINCACHE}" -C "${TEMP}/initramfs-lvm2-temp" || gen_die "Could not extract lvm2 binary cache!"; mv ${TEMP}/initramfs-lvm2-temp/sbin/lvm.static ${TEMP}/initramfs-lvm2-temp/bin/lvm || gen_die 'LVM2 error: Could not move lvm.static to lvm!' fi if [ -x /sbin/lvm ] then # lvm dumpconfig 2>&1 > /dev/null || gen_die 'Could not copy over lvm.conf!' # ret=$? # if [ ${ret} != 0 ] # then cp /etc/lvm/lvm.conf "${TEMP}/initramfs-lvm2-temp/etc/lvm/" || gen_die 'Could not copy over lvm.conf!' # else # gen_die 'Could not copy over lvm.conf!' # fi fi cd "${TEMP}/initramfs-lvm2-temp/" find . -print | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} --append -F "${CPIO}" rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-lvm2-temp/" } append_evms2(){ if [ -d "${TEMP}/initramfs-evms2-temp" ] then rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-evms2-temp/" fi mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-evms2-temp/lib/evms" mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-evms2-temp/etc/" mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-evms2-temp/bin/" mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-evms2-temp/sbin/" if [ "${EVMS2}" -eq '1' ] then print_info 1 ' EVMS2: Adding support...' mkdir -p ${TEMP}/initramfs-evms2-temp/lib cp -a /lib/ld-* "${TEMP}/initramfs-evms2-temp/lib" \ || gen_die 'Could not copy files for EVMS2!' if [ -n "`ls /lib/libgcc_s*`" ] then cp -a /lib/libgcc_s* "${TEMP}/initramfs-evms2-temp/lib" \ || gen_die 'Could not copy files for EVMS2!' fi cp -a /lib/libc-* /lib/libc.* "${TEMP}/initramfs-evms2-temp/lib" \ || gen_die 'Could not copy files for EVMS2!' cp -a /lib/libdl-* /lib/libdl.* "${TEMP}/initramfs-evms2-temp/lib" \ || gen_die 'Could not copy files for EVMS2!' cp -a /lib/libpthread* "${TEMP}/initramfs-evms2-temp/lib" \ || gen_die 'Could not copy files for EVMS2!' cp -a /lib/libuuid*so* "${TEMP}/initramfs-evms2-temp/lib" \ || gen_die 'Could not copy files for EVMS2!' cp -a /lib/libevms*so* "${TEMP}/initramfs-evms2-temp/lib" \ || gen_die 'Could not copy files for EVMS2!' cp -a /lib/evms "${TEMP}/initramfs-evms2-temp/lib" \ || gen_die 'Could not copy files for EVMS2!' cp -a /lib/evms/* "${TEMP}/initramfs-evms2-temp/lib/evms" \ || gen_die 'Could not copy files for EVMS2!' cp -a /etc/evms.conf "${TEMP}/initramfs-evms2-temp/etc" \ || gen_die 'Could not copy files for EVMS2!' cp /sbin/evms_activate "${TEMP}/initramfs-evms2-temp/sbin" \ || gen_die 'Could not copy over evms_activate!' # Fix EVMS2 complaining that it can't find the swap utilities. # These are not required in the initramfs for swap_libs in "${TEMP}/initramfs-evms2-temp/lib/evms/*/swap*.so" do rm ${swap_libs} done fi cd "${TEMP}/initramfs-evms2-temp/" find . -print | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} --append -F "${CPIO}" rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-evms2-temp/" } append_gensplash(){ if [ -x /usr/bin/splash_geninitramfs ] || [ -x /sbin/splash_geninitramfs ] then [ -z "${GENSPLASH_THEME}" ] && [ -e /etc/conf.d/splash ] && source /etc/conf.d/splash [ -z "${GENSPLASH_THEME}" ] && GENSPLASH_THEME=default print_info 1 " >> Installing gensplash [ using the ${GENSPLASH_THEME} theme ]..." if [ -d "${TEMP}/initramfs-gensplash-temp" ] then rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-gensplash-temp/" fi mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-gensplash-temp" cd / local tmp="" [ -n "${GENSPLASH_RES}" ] && tmp="-r ${GENSPLASH_RES}" splash_geninitramfs -c "${TEMP}/initramfs-gensplash-temp" ${tmp} ${GENSPLASH_THEME} || gen_die "Could not build splash cpio archive" if [ -e "/usr/share/splashutils/initrd.splash" ]; then mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-gensplash-temp/etc" cp -f "/usr/share/splashutils/initrd.splash" "${TEMP}/initramfs-gensplash-temp/etc" fi cd "${TEMP}/initramfs-gensplash-temp/" find . -print | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} --append -F "${CPIO}" \ || gen_die "compressing splash cpio" rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-gensplash-temp/" else print_warning 1 ' >> No splash detected; skipping!' fi } append_overlay(){ cd ${INITRAMFS_OVERLAY} find . -print | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} --append -F "${CPIO}" } print_list() { local x for x in ${*} do echo ${x} done } append_modules() { local group local group_modules local MOD_EXT=".ko" print_info 2 "initramfs: >> Searching for modules..." if [ "${INSTALL_MOD_PATH}" != '' ] then cd ${INSTALL_MOD_PATH} else cd / fi if [ -d "${TEMP}/initramfs-modules-${KV}-temp" ] then rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-modules-${KV}-temp/" fi mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-modules-${KV}-temp/lib/modules/${KV}" for i in `gen_dep_list` do mymod=`find ./lib/modules/${KV} -name "${i}${MOD_EXT}" 2>/dev/null| head -n 1 ` if [ -z "${mymod}" ] then print_warning 2 "Warning :: ${i}${MOD_EXT} not found; skipping..." continue; fi print_info 2 "initramfs: >> Copying ${i}${MOD_EXT}..." cp -ax --parents "${mymod}" "${TEMP}/initramfs-modules-${KV}-temp" done cp -ax --parents ./lib/modules/${KV}/modules* ${TEMP}/initramfs-modules-${KV}-temp 2>/dev/null mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-modules-${KV}-temp/etc/modules" for group_modules in ${!MODULES_*}; do group="$(echo $group_modules | cut -d_ -f2 | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")" print_list ${!group_modules} > "${TEMP}/initramfs-modules-${KV}-temp/etc/modules/${group}" done cd "${TEMP}/initramfs-modules-${KV}-temp/" find . | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} --append -F "${CPIO}" rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-modules-${KV}-temp/" } # check for static linked file with objdump is_static() { LANG="C" LC_ALL="C" objdump -T $1 2>&1 | grep "not a dynamic object" > /dev/null return $? } append_auxilary() { if [ -d "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp" ] then rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/" fi mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/etc" mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/sbin" if [ -f "${CMD_LINUXRC}" ] then cp "${CMD_LINUXRC}" "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/init" print_info 2 " >> Copying user specified linuxrc: ${CMD_LINUXRC} to init" else if [ -f "${GK_SHARE}/${ARCH}/linuxrc" ] then cp "${GK_SHARE}/${ARCH}/linuxrc" "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/init" else cp "${GK_SHARE}/generic/linuxrc" "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/init" fi fi # Make sure it's executable chmod 0755 "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/init" # Make a symlink to init .. incase we are bundled inside the kernel as one # big cpio. cd ${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp ln -s init linuxrc # ln ${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/init ${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/linuxrc if [ -f "${GK_SHARE}/${ARCH}/initrd.scripts" ] then cp "${GK_SHARE}/${ARCH}/initrd.scripts" "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/etc/initrd.scripts" else cp "${GK_SHARE}/generic/initrd.scripts" "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/etc/initrd.scripts" fi if [ -f "${GK_SHARE}/${ARCH}/initrd.defaults" ] then cp "${GK_SHARE}/${ARCH}/initrd.defaults" "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/etc/initrd.defaults" else cp "${GK_SHARE}/generic/initrd.defaults" "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/etc/initrd.defaults" fi echo -n 'HWOPTS="$HWOPTS ' >> "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/etc/initrd.defaults" for group_modules in ${!MODULES_*}; do group="$(echo $group_modules | cut -d_ -f2 | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")" echo -n "${group} " >> "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/etc/initrd.defaults" done echo '"' >> "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/etc/initrd.defaults" if [ -f "${GK_SHARE}/${ARCH}/modprobe" ] then cp "${GK_SHARE}/${ARCH}/modprobe" "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/sbin/modprobe" else cp "${GK_SHARE}/generic/modprobe" "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/sbin/modprobe" fi if isTrue $CMD_DOKEYMAPAUTO then echo 'MY_HWOPTS="${MY_HWOPTS} keymap"' >> ${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/etc/initrd.defaults fi mkdir -p "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/lib/keymaps" /bin/tar -C "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/lib/keymaps" -zxf "${GK_SHARE}/generic/keymaps.tar.gz" if isTrue $CMD_SLOWUSB then echo 'MY_HWOPTS="${MY_HWOPTS} slowusb"' >> ${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/etc/initrd.defaults fi if isTrue ${LUKS} then if is_static /bin/cryptsetup then print_info 1 "Including LUKS support" rm -f ${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/sbin/cryptsetup cp /bin/cryptsetup ${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/sbin/cryptsetup chmod +x "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/sbin/cryptsetup" else print_info 1 "LUKS support requires static cryptsetup at /bin/cryptsetup" print_info 1 "Not including LUKS support" fi fi cd ${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/sbin && ln -s ../init init cd ${TEMP} chmod +x "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/init" chmod +x "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/etc/initrd.scripts" chmod +x "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/etc/initrd.defaults" chmod +x "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/sbin/modprobe" cd "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/" find . -print | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} --append -F "${CPIO}" rm -r "${TEMP}/initramfs-aux-temp/" } append_data() { local name=$1 var=$2 local func="append_${name}" if [ $# -eq '1' ] || [ "${var}" -eq '1' ] then print_info 1 " >> Appending ${name} cpio data..." ${func} fi } create_initramfs() { print_info 1 "initramfs: >> Initializing..." # Create empty cpio CPIO="${TMPDIR}/initramfs-${KV}" echo | cpio ${CPIO_ARGS} -F "${CPIO}" 2>/dev/null \ || gen_die "Could not create empty cpio at ${CPIO}" append_data 'base_layout' append_data 'auxilary' append_data 'busybox' "${BUSYBOX}" append_data 'devfs' "${DEVFS}" # append_data 'udev' "${UDEV}" append_data 'unionfs_modules' "${UNIONFS}" append_data 'unionfs_tools' "${UNIONFS}" append_data 'suspend' "${SUSPEND}" append_data 'lvm2' "${LVM2}" append_data 'dmraid' "${DMRAID}" append_data 'evms2' "${EVMS2}" if [ "${NOINITRDMODULES}" = '' ] then append_data 'insmod' append_data 'modules' else print_info 1 "initramfs: Not copying modules..." fi append_data 'blkid' "${DISKLABEL}" append_data 'gensplash' "${GENSPLASH}" # This should always be appended last if [ "${INITRAMFS_OVERLAY}" != '' ] then append_data 'overlay' fi gzip -9 "${CPIO}" mv -f "${CPIO}.gz" "${CPIO}" # Pegasos hack for merging the initramfs into the kernel at compile time [ "${KERNEL_MAKE_DIRECTIVE}" == 'zImage.initrd' -a "${GENERATE_Z_IMAGE}" = '1' ] || [ "${KERNEL_MAKE_DIRECTIVE_2}" == 'zImage.initrd' -a "${GENERATE_Z_IMAGE}" = '1' ] && cp ${TMPDIR}/initramfs-${KV} ${KERNEL_DIR}/arch/powerpc/boot/ramdisk.image.gz && rm ${TMPDIR}/initramfs-${KV} # Mips also mimics Pegasos to merge the initramfs into the kernel if [ ${BUILD_INITRAMFS} -eq 1 ]; then cp ${TMPDIR}/initramfs-${KV} ${KERNEL_DIR}/initramfs.cpio.gz gunzip -f ${KERNEL_DIR}/initramfs.cpio.gz fi if ! isTrue "${CMD_NOINSTALL}" then if [ "${GENERATE_Z_IMAGE}" != '1' ] then copy_image_with_preserve "initramfs" \ "${TMPDIR}/initramfs-${KV}" \ "initramfs-${KNAME}-${ARCH}-${KV}" fi fi }