#!/bin/ash . /etc/initrd.defaults backup() { echo -ne "\033[0G\033[0K" } modules_load() { for module in $* do echo ${module} >> /etc/modules/extra_load done modules_scan extra_load } modules_scan() { local MODS [ -d "/etc/modules/${1}" ] || touch /etc/modules/${1} [ -f "/etc/modules/${1}" ] && MODS=`cat /etc/modules/${1}` for x in ${MODS} do MLOAD=`echo ${MLIST} | sed -e "s/.*${x}.*/${x}/"` if [ "${MLOAD}" = "${x}" ] # Only module to no-load then echo -e "${BOLD} ::${NORMAL} Skipping ${x}..." elif [ "${MLOAD}" = "${MLIST}" ] # == No change == No specified no-load then [ -n "${DEBUG}" ] && echo -ne "${BOLD} ::${NORMAL} Checking for ${x}..." # find -name does not work since the return status is always zero if find /lib/modules/${KV} | grep /"${x}${KSUFF}" >/dev/null 2>&1 then echo -ne "${BOLD} ::${NORMAL} Scanning for ${x}..." modprobe ${x} -n backup echo -ne "${NORMAL}" fi else echo -e "${BOLD} ::${NORMAL} Skipping ${x}..." fi done } uppercase(){ # needs tr on busybox echo $1 | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' } findmediamount() { # $1 = mount dir name / media name # $2 = recognition file # $3 = variable to have the device path # $4 = actual mount dir path (full path) # args remaining are possible devices local media=$1 recon=$2 vrbl=$3 mntdir=$4 shift 4 good_msg "Looking for the ${media}" ${CRYPT_SILENT} if [ "$#" -gt "0" ] then [ ! -d "${mntdir}" ] && mkdir -p ${mntdir} 2>/dev/null >/dev/null if [ -n "${ISOBOOT}" ] then mntcddir="${mntdir%${media}}iso" if [ ! -f ${mntcddir} ] then mkdir ${mntcddir} fi else mntcddir=${mntdir} fi for x in $* do # Check for a block device to mount if [ -b "${x}" ] then skip=0 bsn=`basename "${x}"` # # If disk and it has at least one partition, skip. # We use /sys/block/${bsn}/${bsn}[0-9]* to make sure that we # don't skip device mapper devices. Even the craziest scenario # deserves a fair chance. # for part in `ls /sys/block/${bsn}/${bsn}*[0-9]* 2>/dev/null` do skip=1 break; done if [ ${skip} -eq 1 ] then continue fi good_msg "Attempting to mount media: ${x}" ${CRYPT_SILENT} mount -r -t ${CDROOT_TYPE} ${x} ${mntcddir} >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" = '0' ] then if [ -n "${ISOBOOT}" ]; then if [ -f ${mntcddir}/${ISOBOOT} ]; then mount -o loop ${mntcddir}/${ISOBOOT} ${mntdir} if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then good_msg "iso mounted on ${mntdir}" fi fi fi # Check for the media if [ -f "${mntdir}/${recon}" ] then #set REAL_ROOT, CRYPT_ROOT_KEYDEV or whatever ${vrbl} is eval ${vrbl}'='"${x}" good_msg "Media found on ${x}" ${CRYPT_SILENT} break else umount ${mntcddir} fi fi fi done fi eval local result='$'${vrbl} [ -n "${result}" ] || bad_msg "Media not found" ${CRYPT_SILENT} } devicelist(){ # Locate the cdrom device with our media on it. # CDROM DEVICES local DEVICES="/dev/cdroms/* /dev/ide/cd/* /dev/sr*" # USB Keychain/Storage DEVICES="$DEVICES /dev/sd*" # IDE devices DEVICES="$DEVICES /dev/hd*" # virtio devices DEVICES="$DEVICES /dev/vd*" # USB using the USB Block Driver DEVICES="$DEVICES /dev/ubd* /dev/ubd/*" # iSeries devices DEVICES="$DEVICES /dev/iseries/vcd*" # builtin mmc/sd card reader devices DEVICES="$DEVICES /dev/mmcblk* /dev/mmcblk*/*" # fallback scanning, this might scan something twice, but it's better than # failing to boot. [ -e /proc/partitions ] && DEVICES="${DEVICES} $(awk '/([0-9]+[[:space:]]+)/{print "/dev/" $4}' /proc/partitions)" echo ${DEVICES} } bootstrapCD() { local DEVICES=`devicelist` # The device was specified on the command line, so there's no need to scan # a bunch of extra devices [ -n "${CDROOT_DEV}" ] && DEVICES="${CDROOT_DEV}" findmediamount "cdrom" "${SUBDIR}/livecd" "REAL_ROOT" "${CDROOT_PATH}" ${DEVICES} } bootstrapKey() { # $1 = ROOT/SWAP local KEYDEVS=`devicelist` eval local keyloc='"${CRYPT_'${1}'_KEY}"' findmediamount "key" "${keyloc}" "CRYPT_${1}_KEYDEV" "/mnt/key" ${KEYDEVS} } cache_cd_contents() { # Check loop file exists and cache to ramdisk if DO_cache is enabled if [ "${LOOPTYPE}" != "noloop" ] && [ "${LOOPTYPE}" != "sgimips" ] then check_loop if [ "${DO_cache}" ] then # TODO: Check the size of the image versus the size of our tmpfs # along with the amount of available RAM and increase tmpfs size # if necessary. (Not having awk sucks...) # z=0 # for i in $(cat /proc/meminfo | grep -e ^MemFree -e ^Cached | \ # cut -d: -f2 | cut -dk -f1 | sed -e "s/^\s*//") ; do # z=$(($z + $i)) ; done # echo $z good_msg "Copying loop file for caching..." # Verify that the needed directory exists mkdir -p "$(dirname ${NEW_ROOT}/mnt/${LOOP})" cp -a ${CDROOT_PATH}/${LOOP} ${NEW_ROOT}/mnt/${LOOP} if [ $? -ne 0 ] then warn_msg "Failed to cache the loop file! Lack of RAM?" rm -rf ${NEW_ROOT}/mnt/${LOOP} 2>/dev/null rm -rf ${NEW_ROOT}/mnt/livecd.* 2>/dev/null rm -rf ${NEW_ROOT}/mnt/image.* 2>/dev/null rm -rf ${NEW_ROOT}/mnt/zisofs 2>/dev/null fi fi fi } mount_sysfs() { mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys -o noexec,nosuid,nodev >/dev/null 2>&1 ret=$? [ ${ret} -eq 0 ] || bad_msg "Failed to mount /sys!" } findnfsmount() { if [ "${IP}" != '' ] || busybox udhcpc -n -T 15 -q then [ -e /rootpath ] && NFSROOT=`cat /rootpath` if [ "${NFSROOT}" = '' ] then # Obtain NFSIP OPTIONS=`busybox dmesg | grep rootserver | sed -e "s/,/ /g"` for OPTION in $OPTIONS do if [ `echo $OPTION | sed -e "s/=/ /g" | cut -d " " -f 1` = 'rootserver' ] then NFSIP=`echo $OPTION | sed -e "s/=/ /g" | cut -d " " -f 2` fi done # Obtain NFSPATH OPTIONS=`busybox dmesg | grep rootpath | sed -e "s/,/ /g"` for OPTION in $OPTIONS do if [ `echo $OPTION | sed -e "s/=/ /g" | cut -d " " -f 1` = 'rootpath' ] then NFSPATH=`echo $OPTION | sed -e "s/=/ /g" | cut -d " " -f 2` fi done # Setup NFSROOT if [ "${NFSIP}" != '' ] && [ "$NFSPATH" != '' ] then NFSROOT="${NFSIP}:${NFSPATH}" else bad_msg "The DHCP Server did not send a valid root-path." bad_msg "Please check your DHCP setup, or provide a nfsroot=<...> parameter." fi fi if [ "${NFSROOT}" != '' ] then NFSOPTIONS=${NFSROOT#*,} NFSROOT=${NFSROOT%%,*} if [ "${NFSOPTIONS}" = "${NFSROOT}" ] then NFSOPTIONS=$DEFAULT_NFSOPTIONS else NFSOPTIONS="${DEFAULT_NFSOPTIONS},${NFSOPTIONS}" fi if [ "${CDROOT}" != '0' ] then good_msg "Attempting to mount NFS CD image on ${NFSROOT} with options ${NFSOPTIONS}" mount -t nfs -o ${NFSOPTIONS} ${NFSROOT} ${CDROOT_PATH} if [ "$?" = '0' ] then REAL_ROOT="/dev/nfs" else bad_msg "NFS Mounting failed. Is the path corrent ?" fi else good_msg "Attempting to mount NFS root on ${NFSROOT} with options ${NFSOPTIONS}" mount -t nfs -o ${NFSOPTIONS} ${NFSROOT} ${NEW_ROOT} if [ "$?" = '0' ] then REAL_ROOT="/dev/nfs" else bad_msg "NFS Mounting failed. Is the path correct ?" fi # FIXME: Need to start portmap and the other rpc daemons in # order to remount rw. fi fi fi } check_loop() { if [ "${LOOP}" = '' -o ! -e "${CDROOT_PATH}/${LOOP}" ] then bad_msg "Invalid loop location: ${LOOP}" bad_msg 'Please export LOOP with a valid location, or reboot and pass a proper loop=...' bad_msg 'kernel command line!' run_shell fi } run_shell() { /bin/ash } mount_devfs () { # Use devtmpfs if enabled in kernel, # else tmpfs. Always run mdev just in case devfs=tmpfs if grep -qs devtmpfs /proc/filesystems ; then devfs=devtmpfs fi # Options copied from /etc/init.d/udev-mount, should probably be kept in sync if awk 'BEGIN{m=1;} /devtmpfs/{if($3 == "devtmpfs") {m=0;} } END { exit m;}' /proc/mounts; then mount -t $devfs -o "exec,nosuid,mode=0755,size=10M" udev /dev \ || bad_msg "Failed to mount /dev as ${devfs}" fi # http://git.busybox.net/busybox/plain/docs/mdev.txt if awk 'BEGIN{m=1;} /devpts/{if($3 == "devpts") {m=0;} } END { exit m;}' /proc/mounts; then mkdir -m 0755 /dev/pts mount -t devpts -o gid=5,mode=0620 devpts /dev/pts || bad_msg "Failed to mount /dev/pts" fi } test_success() { retcode=$? # If last command failed send error message and fall back to a shell if [ "$retcode" != '0' ] then error_string=$1 error_string="${error_string:-run command}" bad_msg 'Failed to $1; failing back to the shell...' run_shell fi } # msg functions arguments # $1 string # $2 hide flag good_msg() { msg_string=$1 msg_string="${msg_string:-...}" [ "$2" != 1 ] && echo -e "${GOOD}>>${NORMAL}${BOLD} ${msg_string} ${NORMAL}" } bad_msg() { msg_string=$1 msg_string="${msg_string:-...}" if [ "$2" != 1 ] then splash 'verbose' > /dev/null & echo -e "${BAD}!!${NORMAL}${BOLD} ${msg_string} ${NORMAL}" fi } warn_msg() { msg_string=$1 msg_string="${msg_string:-...}" [ "$2" != 1 ] && echo -e "${WARN}**${NORMAL}${BOLD} ${msg_string} ${NORMAL}" } crypt_filter() { if [ "${CRYPT_SILENT}" = '1' ] then eval $1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null else splash 'verbose' > /dev/null & eval $1 res=$? if [ ${res} -eq 0 ] then splash set_msg 'Disk unlocked.' fi return ${res} fi } prompt_user(){ # $1 = variable whose value is the path (examples: "REAL_ROOT", # "LUKS_KEYDEV") # $2 = label # $3 = optional explanations for failure eval local oldvalue='$'${1} [ \( $# != 2 \) -a \( $# != 3 \) ] && \ bad_msg "Bad invocation of function prompt_user, please file a bug \ report with this message" && exit 1 [ -n "${3}" ] && local explnt=" or : ${3}" || local explnt="." bad_msg "Could not find the ${2} in ${oldvalue}${explnt}" echo ' Please specify another value or: press Enter for the same, type "shell" for a shell, or "q" to skip...' echo -n "${2}(${oldvalue}) :: " read ${1} case `eval echo '$'${1}` in 'q') eval ${1}'='${oldvalue} warn_msg "Skipping step, this will likely cause a boot failure." break ;; 'shell') eval ${1}'='${oldvalue} echo "To leave and try again just press +D" run_shell ;; '') eval ${1}'='${oldvalue} ;; esac } setup_slowusb() { # This function removes unset DO_slowusb if there is no usb-storage attached. # If noslowusb is set, skip this function [ "${DO_slowusb}" ] || return # Unset DO_slowusb, so we can set it again if usb-storage has something attached unset DO_slowusb local usb_storage_dir="/sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb-storage" if [ ! -d "${usb_storage_dir}" ] then # no automated slowusb required. no usb-storage devices attached. return fi for x in "${usb_storage_dir}"/* do [ -d "${x}" ] && [ "${x}" != "${usb_storage_dir}/module" ] \ && { DO_slowusb="1" ; break ; } done } cmdline_hwopts() { # Scan CMDLINE for any "doscsi" or "noscsi"-type arguments local FOUND local TMP_HWOPTS for x in $HWOPTS do for y in $CMDLINE do if [ "${y}" = "do${x}" ] then MY_HWOPTS="${MY_HWOPTS} $x" elif [ "${y}" = "no${x}" ] then MY_HWOPTS="`echo ${MY_HWOPTS} | sed -e \"s/${x}//g\" -`" fi if [ "$(echo ${y} | cut -b -7)" = "keymap=" ] then MY_HWOPTS="${MY_HWOPTS} keymap" fi done done # Shouldnt need to sort this as the following loop should figure out the # duplicates and strip them out #MY_HWOPTS=`echo ${MY_HWOPTS}| sort` for x in ${MY_HWOPTS} do FOUND=0 for y in ${TMP_HWOPTS} do if [ "${y}" = "${x}" ] then continue 2 fi done TMP_HWOPTS="${TMP_HWOPTS} ${x}" eval DO_`echo ${x} | sed 's/-//'`=1 done MY_HWOPTS=${TMP_HWOPTS} } load_modules() { # Load modules listed in MY_HWOPTS if /lib/modules exists for the running # kernel version if [ -d "/lib/modules/${KV}" ] then good_msg 'Loading modules' # Load appropriate kernel modules for modules in $MY_HWOPTS do modules_scan $modules done else good_msg 'Skipping module load; no modules in the ramdisk!' fi } setup_keymap() { if [ "${DO_keymap}" ] then if [ ! -e /dev/vc/0 -a ! -e /dev/tty0 ] then DEVBIND=1 mount -o bind ${NEW_ROOT}/dev /dev fi [ ! -e /dev/tty0 ] && ln -s /dev/tty1 /dev/tty0 [ -f /lib/keymaps/keymapList ] && chooseKeymap [ "${DEVBIND}" = '1' ] && umount /dev if [ -e /etc/sysconfig/keyboard -a "${CDROOT}" = '1' ] then mkdir -p ${NEW_ROOT}/etc/sysconfig/ cp /etc/sysconfig/keyboard ${NEW_ROOT}/etc/sysconfig/keyboard fi fi } chooseKeymap() { good_msg "Loading keymaps" if [ -z "${keymap}" ] then splash 'verbose' > /dev/null & cat /lib/keymaps/keymapList read -t 10 -p '<< Load keymap (Enter for default): ' keymap case ${keymap} in 1|azerty) keymap=azerty ;; 2|be) keymap=be ;; 3|bg) keymap=bg ;; 4|br-a) keymap=br-a ;; 5|br-l) keymap=br-l ;; 6|by) keymap=by ;; 7|cf) keymap=cf ;; 8|croat) keymap=croat ;; 9|cz) keymap=cz ;; 10|de) keymap=de ;; 11|dk) keymap=dk ;; 12|dvorak) keymap=dvorak ;; 13|es) keymap=es ;; 14|et) keymap=et ;; 15|fi) keymap=fi ;; 16|fr) keymap=fr ;; 17|gr) keymap=gr ;; 18|hu) keymap=hu ;; 19|il) keymap=il ;; 20|is) keymap=is ;; 21|it) keymap=it ;; 22|jp) keymap=jp ;; 23|la) keymap=la ;; 24|lt) keymap=lt ;; 25|mk) keymap=mk ;; 26|nl) keymap=nl ;; 27|no) keymap=no ;; 28|pl) keymap=pl ;; 29|pt) keymap=pt ;; 30|ro) keymap=ro ;; 31|ru) keymap=ru ;; 32|se) keymap=se ;; 33|sg) keymap=sg ;; 34|sk-y) keymap=sk-y ;; 35|sk-z) keymap=sk-z ;; 36|slovene) keymap=slovene ;; 37|trf) keymap=trf ;; 38|trq) keymap=trq ;; 39|ua) keymap=ua ;; 40|uk) keymap=uk ;; 41|us) keymap=us ;; 42|wangbe) keymap=wangbe ;; 43|sf|ch*) keymap=sf ;; esac fi if [ -e /lib/keymaps/${keymap}.map ] then good_msg "Loading the ''${keymap}'' keymap" loadkmap < /lib/keymaps/${keymap}.map # xkeymap=${keymap} # echo ${keymap} | egrep -e "[0-9]+" >/dev/null 2>&1 # if [ $? -eq 0 ] # then # xkeymap=`tail -n 8 /lib/keymaps/keymapList | grep ${keymap} | sed -r "s/.*\s+${keymap}\s+([a-z-]+).*/\1/g" | egrep -v 1` # fi mkdir -p /etc/sysconfig # echo "XKEYBOARD=${xkeymap}" > /etc/sysconfig/keyboard echo "XKEYBOARD=${keymap}" > /etc/sysconfig/keyboard splash set_msg "Set keymap to ${keymap}" elif [ -z "${keymap}" ] then echo good_msg "Keeping default keymap" splash set_msg "Keeping default keymap" else bad_msg "Sorry, but keymap ''${keymap}'' is invalid!" unset keymap chooseKeymap fi } startVolumes() { #good_msg 'Checking if volumes need to be started...' # Here, we check for /dev/device-mapper, and if it exists, we setup a # a symlink, which should hopefully fix bug #142775 and bug #147015 if [ -e /dev/device-mapper ] && [ ! -e /dev/mapper/control ] then mkdir -p /dev/mapper ln -sf /dev/device-mapper /dev/mapper/control fi if [ "${USE_MDADM}" = '1' ] then if [ -e '/sbin/mdadm' ] then /sbin/mdadm --assemble --scan else bad_msg "mdadm not found: skipping mdadm raid assembly!" fi fi if [ "${USE_DMRAID_NORMAL}" = '1' ] then if [ -e '/sbin/dmraid' ] then good_msg "Activating Device-Mapper RAID(s)" if [ '${DMRAID_OPTS}' = '' ] then /sbin/dmraid -ay else /sbin/dmraid -ay ${DMRAID_OPTS} fi fi fi if [ "${USE_LVM_NORMAL}" = '1' ] then if [ -e '/bin/lvm' ] then for dev in ${RAID_DEVICES} do setup_md_device "${dev}" done # This is needed for /bin/lvm to accept the following logic lvm_commands="#! /bin/lvm" # If there is a cahe, update it. Unbreak at least dmcrypt [ -d /etc/lvm/cache ] && lvm_commands="${lvm_commands} \nvgscan" # To activate volumegroups on all devices in the cache lvm_commands="${lvm_commands} \nvgchange -ay --sysinit" # To create symlinks so users can use real_root=/dev/vg/root # This needs to run after vgchange, using vgchange --mknodes is too # early. lvm_commands="${lvm_commands} \nvgmknodes --ignorelockingfailure" # And finally execute it all (/proc/... needed if lvm is compiled without readline) good_msg "Scanning for and activating Volume Groups" printf "%b\n" "${lvm_commands}" | /bin/lvm /proc/self/fd/0 else bad_msg "vgscan or vgchange not found: skipping LVM volume group activation!" fi fi if [ "${USE_ZFS}" = '1' ] then if [ -z "${ZFS_POOL}" ] then good_msg "Importing ZFS pools" /sbin/zpool import -N -a "${ZPOOL_FORCE}" if [ "$?" = '0' ] then good_msg "Importing ZFS pools succeeded" else bad_msg "Imported ZFS pools failed" fi else if [ "$(zpool list -H -o name ${ZFS_POOL} 2>&1)" = "$ZFS_POOL" ] then good_msg "ZFS pool ${ZFS_POOL} already imported." if [ -n "${CRYPT_ROOT}" -o -n "${CRYPT_SWAP}" ] then good_msg "LUKS detected. Reimporting ${ZFS_POOL}" /sbin/zpool export -f "${ZFS_POOL}" /sbin/zpool import -N "${ZPOOL_FORCE}" "${ZFS_POOL}" fi else good_msg "Importing ZFS pool ${ZFS_POOL}" /sbin/zpool import -N "${ZPOOL_FORCE}" "${ZFS_POOL}" if [ "$?" = '0' ] then good_msg "Importing ${ZFS_POOL} succeeded" else bad_msg "Importing ${ZFS_POOL} failed" fi fi fi fi } startiscsi() { if [ ! -n "${ISCSI_NOIBFT}" ] then good_msg "Activating iSCSI via iBFT" iscsistart -b fi if [ -n "${ISCSI_INITIATORNAME}" ] && [ -n "${ISCSI_TARGET}" ] && [ -n "${ISCSI_ADDRESS}" ] then good_msg "Activating iSCSI via cmdline" if [ "${ISCSI_TGPT}" ] then ADDITIONAL="${ADDITIONAL} -g ${ISCSI_TGPT}" else ADDITIONAL="${ADDITIONAL} -g 1" fi if [ "${ISCSI_PORT}" ] then ADDITIONAL="${ADDITIONAL} -p ${ISCSI_PORT}" fi if [ "${ISCSI_USERNAME}" ] then ADDITIONAL="${ADDITIONAL} -u ${ISCSI_USERNAME}" fi if [ "${ISCSI_PASSWORD}" ] then ADDITIONAL="${ADDITIONAL} -w ${ISCSI_PASSWORD}" fi if [ "${ISCSI_USERNAME_IN}" ] then ADDITIONAL="${ADDITIONAL} -U ${ISCSI_USERNAME_IN}" fi if [ "${ISCSI_PASSWORD_IN}" ] then ADDITIONAL="${ADDITIONAL} -W ${ISCSI_PASSWORD_IN}" fi if [ "${ISCSI_DEBUG}" ] then ADDITIONAL="${ADDITIONAL} -d ${ISCSI_DEBUG}" fi iscsistart -i "${ISCSI_INITIATORNAME}" -t "${ISCSI_TARGET}" -a "${ISCSI_ADDRESS}" ${ADDITIONAL} # let iscsid settle - otherwise mounting the iSCSI-disk will fail (very rarely, though) sleep 1 fi } # Open a LUKS device # It is either the root or a swap, other devices are supported in the scripts provided with sys-fs/cryptsetup-luks # $1 - root/swap openLUKS() { # please use 'tr' and this line, or remove it # eval local TYPE=`uppercase $1` case $1 in root) local TYPE=ROOT ;; swap) local TYPE=SWAP ;; esac eval local LUKS_DEVICE='"${CRYPT_'${TYPE}'}"' LUKS_NAME="$1" LUKS_KEY='"${CRYPT_'${TYPE}'_KEY}"' LUKS_KEYDEV='"${CRYPT_'${TYPE}'_KEYDEV}"' LUKS_TRIM='"${CRYPT_'${TYPE}'_TRIM}"' local DEV_ERROR=0 KEY_ERROR=0 KEYDEV_ERROR=0 local mntkey="/mnt/key/" cryptsetup_options='' [ ! -e /sbin/cryptsetup ] && bad_msg "The ramdisk does not support LUKS" && exit 1 while [ 1 ] do local gpg_cmd="" # if crypt_silent=1 and some error occurs, enter shell quietly if [ \( ${CRYPT_SILENT} -eq 1 \) -a \( \( \( ${DEV_ERROR} -eq 1 \) -o \( ${KEY_ERROR} -eq 1 \) \) -o \( ${KEYDEV_ERROR} -eq 1 \) \) ] then run_shell elif [ ${DEV_ERROR} -eq 1 ] then prompt_user "LUKS_DEVICE" "${LUKS_NAME}" DEV_ERROR=0 elif [ ${KEY_ERROR} -eq 1 ] then prompt_user "LUKS_KEY" "${LUKS_NAME} key" KEY_ERROR=0 elif [ ${KEYDEV_ERROR} -eq 1 ] then prompt_user "LUKS_KEYDEV" "${LUKS_NAME} key device" KEYDEV_ERROR=0 else case "${LUKS_DEVICE}" in UUID\=*|LABEL\=*) local REAL_LUKS="" local retval=1 if [ "${retval}" -ne 0 ]; then REAL_LUKS=`findfs "${LUKS_DEVICE}" 2>/dev/null` retval=$? fi if [ "$retval" -ne 0 ]; then REAL_LUKS=`busybox findfs "${LUKS_DEVICE}" 2>/dev/null` retval=$? fi if [ "${retval}" -ne 0 ]; then REAL_LUKS=`blkid -o device -l -t "${LUKS_DEVICE}"` retval=$? fi if [ "${retval}" -eq 0 ] && [ -n "${REAL_LUKS}" ]; then good_msg "Detected device ${REAL_LUKS}" LUKS_DEVICE="${REAL_LUKS}" fi ;; esac setup_md_device ${LUKS_DEVICE} cryptsetup isLuks ${LUKS_DEVICE} if [ $? -ne 0 ] then bad_msg "The LUKS device ${LUKS_DEVICE} does not contain a LUKS header" ${CRYPT_SILENT} DEV_ERROR=1 continue else # Handle keys if [ "x${LUKS_TRIM}" = "xyes" ] then good_msg "Enabling TRIM support for ${LUKS_NAME}." ${CRYPT_SILENT} cryptsetup_options="${cryptsetup_options} --allow-discards" fi if [ -n "${LUKS_KEY}" ] then if [ ! -e "${mntkey}${LUKS_KEY}" ] then if [ -b "${LUKS_KEYDEV}" ] then good_msg "Using key device ${LUKS_KEYDEV}." ${CRYPT_SILENT} else good_msg "Please insert removable device ${LUKS_KEYDEV} for ${LUKS_NAME}" ${CRYPT_SILENT} # abort after 10 secs local count=10 while [ ${count} -gt 0 ] do count=$((count-1)) sleep 1 if [ -b "${LUKS_KEYDEV}" ] then good_msg "Removable device ${LUKS_KEYDEV} detected." ${CRYPT_SILENT} break fi done if [ ! -b "${LUKS_KEYDEV}" ] then eval CRYPT_${TYPE}_KEY=${LUKS_KEY} bootstrapKey ${TYPE} eval LUKS_KEYDEV='"${CRYPT_'${TYPE}'_KEYDEV}"' if [ ! -b "${LUKS_KEYDEV}" ]; then KEYDEV_ERROR=1 bad_msg "Removable device ${LUKS_KEYDEV} not found." ${CRYPT_SILENT} continue fi # continue otherwise will mount keydev which is mounted by bootstrap continue fi fi # At this point a device was recognized, now let's see if the key is there [ ! -d "$mntkey" ] && mkdir -p ${mntkey} 2>/dev/null >/dev/null mount -n -o ro ${LUKS_KEYDEV} ${mntkey} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null if [ "$?" != '0' ] then KEYDEV_ERROR=1 bad_msg "Mounting of device ${LUKS_KEYDEV} failed." ${CRYPT_SILENT} continue else good_msg "Removable device ${LUKS_KEYDEV} mounted." ${CRYPT_SILENT} sleep 2 # keyfile exists? if [ ! -e "${mntkey}${LUKS_KEY}" ]; then umount -n ${mntkey} 2>/dev/null >/dev/null KEY_ERROR=1 KEYDEV_ERROR=1 bad_msg "Key {LUKS_KEY} on device ${LUKS_KEYDEV} not found." ${CRYPT_SILENT} continue fi fi fi # At this point a candidate key exists (either mounted before or not) good_msg "${LUKS_KEY} on device ${LUKS_KEYDEV} found" ${CRYPT_SILENT} if [ "$(echo ${LUKS_KEY} | grep -o '.gpg$')" = ".gpg" ] && [ -e /sbin/gpg ] ; then [ -e /dev/tty ] && mv /dev/tty /dev/tty.org mknod /dev/tty c 5 1 cryptsetup_options="-d -" gpg_cmd="/sbin/gpg --logger-file /dev/null --quiet --decrypt ${mntkey}${LUKS_KEY} |" else cryptsetup_options="-d ${mntkey}${LUKS_KEY}" fi fi # At this point, keyfile or not, we're ready! crypt_filter "${gpg_cmd}cryptsetup ${cryptsetup_options} luksOpen ${LUKS_DEVICE} ${LUKS_NAME}" crypt_filter_ret=$? [ -e /dev/tty.org ] \ && rm -f /dev/tty \ && mv /dev/tty.org /dev/tty if [ ${crypt_filter_ret} -eq 0 ] then good_msg "LUKS device ${LUKS_DEVICE} opened" ${CRYPT_SILENT} break else bad_msg "Failed to open LUKS device ${LUKS_DEVICE}" ${CRYPT_SILENT} DEV_ERROR=1 KEY_ERROR=1 KEYDEV_ERROR=1 fi fi fi done umount ${mntkey} 2>/dev/null >/dev/null rmdir -p ${mntkey} 2>/dev/null >/dev/null } startLUKS() { # if key is set but key device isn't, find it [ -n "${CRYPT_ROOT_KEY}" ] && [ -z "${CRYPT_ROOT_KEYDEV}" ] \ && sleep 6 && bootstrapKey "ROOT" if [ -n "${CRYPT_ROOT}" ]; then openLUKS "root" if [ -n "${REAL_ROOT}" ] then # Rescan volumes startVolumes else REAL_ROOT="/dev/mapper/root" fi fi # same for swap, but no need to sleep if root was unencrypted [ -n "${CRYPT_SWAP_KEY}" ] && [ -z "${CRYPT_SWAP_KEYDEV}" ] \ && { [ -z "${CRYPT_ROOT}" ] && sleep 6; bootstrapKey "SWAP"; } if [ -n "${CRYPT_SWAP}" ]; then openLUKS "swap" if [ -z "${REAL_RESUME}" ] then # Resume from swap as default REAL_RESUME="/dev/mapper/swap" fi fi } sdelay() { # Sleep a specific number of seconds if SDELAY is set if [ "${SDELAY}" ] then good_msg "Waiting ${SDELAY} seconds..." sleep ${SDELAY} elif [ "${CDROOT}" = '1' ] then # many CD/DVD drives require extra sleep, especially when # connected via USB. Many people reported that 1 second sleep # is not enough on their notebooks, that's why sleep 3, when booting # off a livecd is a better default. sleep 3 else good_msg 'Hint: Use parameter scandelay[=seconds] if you need waiting here' fi } quiet_kmsg() { # if QUIET is set make the kernel less chatty [ -n "$QUIET" ] && echo '0' > /proc/sys/kernel/printk } verbose_kmsg() { # if QUIET is set make the kernel less chatty [ -n "$QUIET" ] && echo '6' > /proc/sys/kernel/printk } cdupdate() { if [ "${CDROOT}" = '1' ] then if [ -x /${CDROOT_PATH}/cdupdate.sh ] then good_msg "Running cdupdate.sh" ${CDROOT_PATH}/cdupdate.sh if [ "$?" != '0' ] then bad_msg "Executing cdupdate.sh failed!" run_shell fi else good_msg 'No cdupdate.sh script found, skipping...' fi fi } setup_btrfsctl() { # start BTRFS volume detection, if available [ -x /sbin/btrfsctl ] && /sbin/btrfsctl -a } setup_md_device() { local device [ -z "$1" ] && device="${REAL_ROOT}" || device="$1" [ -z "${device}" ] && return # LiveCD if [ `echo ${device}|sed -e 's#\(luks:\)\?\(/dev/md\)[[:digit:]]\+#\2#'` = "/dev/md" ] then good_msg 'Detected real_root as a md device. Setting up the device node...' MD_NUMBER=`echo ${device}|sed -e 's#\(luks:\)\?/dev/md\([[:digit:]]\+\)#\2#'` if [ ! -e /dev/md${MD_NUMBER} ] then mknod /dev/md${MD_NUMBER} b 9 ${MD_NUMBER} >/dev/null 2>&1 [ $? -ne 0 ] && bad_msg "Creation of /dev/md${MD_NUMBER} failed..." fi mdstart ${MDPART} /dev/md${MD_NUMBER} fi } do_rundebugshell() { good_msg 'Type "exit" to continue with normal bootup.' [ -x /bin/sh ] && /bin/sh || /bin/ash } rundebugshell() { if [ -n "$DEBUG" ] then good_msg 'Starting debug shell as requested by "debug" option.' do_rundebugshell fi } do_resume() { if [ -d /proc/suspend2 -o -d /sys/power/suspend2 -o -d /sys/power/tuxonice ]; then tuxonice_resume else swsusp_resume fi } swsusp_resume() { # determine swap resume partition local device=$(ls -lL "${REAL_RESUME}" | sed 's/\ */ /g' | cut -d \ -f 5-6 | sed 's/,\ */:/') [ -f /sys/power/resume ] && echo "${device}" > /sys/power/resume } tuxonice_resume() { local splash_theme if grep "splash=" /proc/cmdline > /dev/null 2>&1; then splash_theme=$(cat /proc/cmdline | sed 's/.*splash=/splash=/' | sed 's/ .*//' | sed 's/.*theme://' | sed 's/,.*//') fi local tuxonice_userui_program="/sys/power/tuxonice/user_interface/program" local tuxonice_do_resume="/sys/power/tuxonice/do_resume" local tuxonice_resumedev="/sys/power/tuxonice/resume" local tuxonice_replace_swsusp="/sys/power/tuxonice/replace_swsusp" # # Backward compatibility # if [ -e /sys/power/suspend2 ]; then tuxonice_userui_program="/sys/power/suspend2/user_interface/program" tuxonice_do_resume="/sys/power/suspend2/do_resume" tuxonice_resumedev="/sys/power/suspend2/resume" tuxonice_replace_swsusp="/sys/power/suspend2/replace_swsusp" elif [ -e /proc/suspend2 ]; then tuxonice_userui_program="/proc/suspend2/userui_program" tuxonice_do_resume="/proc/suspend2/do_resume" tuxonice_resumedev="/proc/suspend2/resume" tuxonice_replace_swsusp="/proc/suspend2/replace_swsusp" fi # if 'use_swsusp' is given, use swsusp instead if grep "use_swsusp" /proc/cmdline > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo 0 > ${tuxonice_replace_swsusp} swsusp_resume return fi modules_scan tuxonice # we both configure tuxonice and activate resuming, # however the kernel will resume only if an image is found if ! grep suspend_noui /proc/cmdline > /dev/null 2>&1; then which suspend2ui_text > /dev/null 2>&1 && which suspend2ui_text > "${tuxonice_userui_program}" which tuxoniceui_text > /dev/null 2>&1 && which tuxoniceui_text > "${tuxonice_userui_program}" if [ -n "${splash_theme}" ]; then ln -s /etc/splash/${splash_theme} /etc/splash/suspend2 ln -s /etc/splash/${splash_theme} /etc/splash/tuxonice which suspend2ui_fbsplash > /dev/null 2>&1 && which suspend2ui_fbsplash > "${tuxonice_userui_program}" which tuxoniceui_fbsplash > /dev/null 2>&1 && which tuxoniceui_fbsplash > "${tuxonice_userui_program}" fi fi echo "${REAL_RESUME}" > "${tuxonice_resumedev}" echo > "${tuxonice_do_resume}" } find_loop() { for loop in ${LOOPS} do if [ -e "${CDROOT_PATH}""${loop}" ] then LOOP="${loop}" fi done } find_looptype() { LOOPTYPE="${LOOP##*.}" [ "${LOOPTYPE}" == "loop" ] && LOOPTYPE="normal" [ "${LOOP}" == "/zisofs" ] && LOOPTYPE="${LOOP#/}" [ -z "${LOOPTYPE}" ] && LOOPTYPE="noloop" } getdvhoff() { echo $(( $(hexdump -n 4 -s $((316 + 12 * $2)) -e '"%i"' $1) * 512)) } setup_squashfs_aufs() { ( # Setup aufs directories and vars local overlay=/mnt/overlay local static=/mnt/livecd for i in "${overlay}" "${static}"; do [ ! -d "${i}" ] && mkdir -p "${i}" done good_msg "Loading aufs" modprobe aufs > /dev/null 2>&1 mount -t squashfs -o loop,ro "${CDROOT_PATH}/${LOOPEXT}${LOOP}" "${static}" mount -t tmpfs none "${overlay}" mount -t aufs -o br:${overlay}:${static} aufs "${NEW_ROOT}" [ ! -d "${NEW_ROOT}${overlay}" ] && mkdir -p "${NEW_ROOT}${overlay}" [ ! -d "${NEW_ROOT}${static}" ] && mkdir -p "${NEW_ROOT}${static}" echo "aufs / aufs defaults 0 0" > "${NEW_ROOT}"/etc/fstab for i in "${overlay}" "${static}"; do mount --move "${i}" "${NEW_ROOT}${i}"; done # have handy /mnt/cdrom (CDROOT_PATH) as well local new_cdroot="${NEW_ROOT}${CDROOT_PATH}" [ ! -d "${new_cdroot}" ] && mkdir -p "${new_cdroot}" mount --bind "${CDROOT_PATH}" "${new_cdroot}" ) } setup_unionfs() { local rw_dir=$1 local ro_dir=$2 if [ "${USE_UNIONFS_NORMAL}" = '1' ] then # Directory used for rw changes in union mount filesystem UNION=/union # MEMORY=/memory # if [ -z "$UID" ] # then # CHANGES=$MEMORY/unionfs_changes/default # else # CHANGES=$MEMORY/unionfs_changes/$UID # fi # mkdir -p ${MEMORY} mkdir -p ${UNION} good_msg "Loading fuse module" modprobe fuse > /dev/null 2>&1 # if [ -n "${UNIONFS}" ] # then # CHANGESDEV=${UNIONFS} # good_msg "mounting $CHANGESDEV to $MEMORY for unionfs support" # mount -t auto $CHANGESDEV $MEMORY # # mount tmpfs only in the case when changes= boot parameter was # # empty or we were not able to mount the storage device # ret=$? # if [ ${ret} -ne 0 ] # then # bad_msg "mount of $CHANGESDEV failed falling back to ramdisk based unionfs" # mount -t tmpfs tmpfs $MEMORY # fi # if [ "${CDROOT}" -eq '1' -a ! -f ${MEMORY}/livecd.unionfs ] # then # umount $MEMORY # bad_msg "failed to find livecd.unionfs file on $CHANGESDEV" # bad_msg "create a livecd.unionfs file on this device if you wish to use it for unionfs" # bad_msg "falling back to ramdisk based unionfs for safety" # mount -t tmpfs tmpfs $MEMORY # fi # else # good_msg "Mounting ramdisk to $MEMORY for unionfs support..." # mount -t tmpfs tmpfs $MEMORY # fi mkdir /tmp mkdir -p ${UNION} # mkdir -p $CHANGES # mount -t unionfs -o dirs=$CHANGES=rw unionfs ${UNION} good_msg "Creating union mount" unionfs -o allow_other,cow,noinitgroups,suid,dev,default_permissions,use_ino ${rw_dir}=RW:${ro_dir}=RO ${UNION} 2>/dev/null ret=$? if [ ${ret} -ne 0 ] then bad_msg "Can't setup union mount!" USE_UNIONFS_NORMAL=0 fi [ ! -d "${NEW_ROOT}${CDROOT_PATH}" ] && mkdir -p "${NEW_ROOT}${CDROOT_PATH}" mount --bind "${CDROOT_PATH}" "${NEW_ROOT}${CDROOT_PATH}" else USE_UNIONFS_NORMAL=0 fi } get_mounts_list() { awk ' /^[[:blank:]]*#/ { next } { print $1 } ' ${NEW_ROOT}/etc/initramfs.mounts } get_mount_fstype() { [ -e "${NEW_ROOT}"/etc/fstab ] || return 1 awk -v fs="$1" ' /^[[:blank:]]*#/ { next } $2 == fs { print $3 } ' ${NEW_ROOT}/etc/fstab } get_mount_options() { [ -e "${NEW_ROOT}"/etc/fstab ] || return 1 awk -v fs="$1" ' /^[[:blank:]]*#/ { next } $2 == fs { print $4 } ' ${NEW_ROOT}/etc/fstab } get_mount_device() { [ -e "${NEW_ROOT}"/etc/fstab ] || return 1 awk -v fs="$1" ' /^[[:blank:]]*#/ { next } $2 == fs { print $1 } ' ${NEW_ROOT}/etc/fstab } # If the kernel is handed a mount option is does not recognize, it WILL fail to # mount. util-linux handles auto/noauto, but busybox passes it straight to the kernel # which then rejects the mount. # To make like a little easier, busybox mount does not care about leading, # trailing or duplicate commas. strip_mount_options() { sed -r 's/(,|^)(no)?auto(,|$)/,/g' }