GENKERNEL(8) ============ :man source: genkernel {genkernelversion} :man manual: genkernel {genkernelversion} NAME ---- genkernel - the Gentoo Linux automatic kernel compiler. SYNOPSIS -------- *genkernel* [options...] action INTRODUCTION ------------ Genkernel is designed to allow users who are not previously used to compiling a kernel to use a similar setup to that one that is used on the Gentoo LiveCDs which auto-detects your hardware. Some users may also be interested in using genkernel for hardware which requires initialization and a working kernel before it can be booted because genkernel also automatically compiles your kernel modules, allowing hardware which needs to be loaded with module parameters to be used. USAGE ----- All that is needed to run genkernel is just `genkernel` with an action and any flags you might need: ------------------------------------------ # genkernel --menuconfig --no-clean --no-install all ------------------------------------------ This would produce a kernel, asking you what how to configure it to your desire, leaving alone any existing compiled object files, but not installing anything. ACTIONS ------- An action tells genkernel what you want it to do - the following actions are supported: *all*:: Build all steps - the kernel, modules, and the ramdisk. *bzImage*:: Build only the kernel. *initramfs*:: Build only the ramdisk/initramfs. *kernel*:: Build only the kernel and the modules. *ramdisk*:: Build only the ramdisk/initramfs. OPTIONS ------- Genkernel supports the following options which alter its behaviour. Certain options have *--no-* variants which do the opposite thing. You can specify your options in any order. CONFIGURATION OPTIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *--config*=<file>:: Genkernel configuration file to use DEBUGGING OPTIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *--loglevel*=<0-5>:: This controls the out verbosity level of genkernel output - if this is set to 0, minimal debugging is done; if this is set to 5 as much output as possible is given. *--logfile*=<outfile>:: This outputs debugging data to the file <outfile>. By default this is '/var/log/genkernel.log'. *--*[*no-*]*color*:: Turns on, or off, output in color using escape sequences. KERNEL CONFIGURATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *--*[*no-*]*menuconfig*:: Runs, or does not run "make menuconfig" after running "make oldconfig". *--*[*no-*]*save-config*:: Saves, or does not save the kernel configuration to '/etc/kernels' if the kernel is successfully compiled. *--gconfig*:: Run "make gconfig" after "make oldconfig". *--xconfig*:: Run "make xconfig" after "make oldconfig". KERNEL COMPILATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *--*[*no-*]*clean*:: Runs, or does not run, "make clean" before compilation - this erases any compiled object files in the kernel source tree but does not have an impact on the kernel configuration. Specifying *--no-clean* implies *--no-mrproper*. *--*[*no-*]*mrproper*:: Runs, or does not run, "make mrproper" before compilation - this erases both any compiled object files in the kernel source tree as well as the kernel configuration. *--*[*no-*]*install*:: Installs, or does not install the kernel to '/boot' after building. The default is *--install*. If MOUNTBOOT is set in '/etc/genkernel.conf' then '/boot' will be automatically mounted if it is not already mounted before the ramdisk and kernel images are copied over. *--*[*no-*]*symlink*:: Manages, or does not manage, symlinks in '/boot' like the manual kernel "make install" process does. A kernel (or, depending on options, kernelz) symlink will link to the most recently built kernel image and a kernel.old (or kernelz.old) symlink will link to the second most recently built image, if one exists. Similar symlinks (both * and *.old) are managed for initramfs and The corresponding work products (i.e., the actual kernel and initramfs images, and are also managed accordingly. NOTE: Specifying *--symlink* does nothing unless *--install* is also specified. *--oldconfig*:: Implies *--no-clean*, and thus *--no-mrproper*, running a "make oldconfig". *--*[*no-*]*splash*:: Installs, or not, framebuffer splash support into initramfs. *--no-ramdisk-modules*:: Don't copy any modules to the ramdisk. *--all-ramdisk-modules*:: Copy all kernel modules to the initrd. *--callback*=<...>:: Run the specified arguments in the current environment after the kernel and modules have been compiled. *--static*:: This builds a monolithic kernel without any modules on any initial ramdisks. KERNEL LOCATIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *--kerneldir*=<dir>:: This specifies the location of the kernel sources; the default is '/usr/src/linux'. *--kernel-config*=<file>:: This specifies a kernel configuration file to use for compilation; by default genkernel uses the config from the previous build of the same kernel version or a default kernel config if there isn't a previous config. *--module-prefix*=<dir>:: Prefix to kernel module destination, modules will be installed in '<prefix>/lib/modules'. LOW-LEVEL COMPILATION OPTIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *--kernel-cc*=<compiler>:: Compiler to use for the kernel compilation (e.g. distcc). *--kernel-as*=<assembler>:: Assembler to use for the kernel compilation. *--kernel-ld*=<linker>:: Linker to use for the kernel compilation. *--kernel-cross-compile*=<cross var>:: CROSS_COMPILE kernel variable. *--kernel-make*=<makeprg>:: GNU Make to use for the kernel compilation. *--kernel-target*=<t>:: Override default make target (bzImage), note that values like *--kernel-target=* are also valid (useful for Xen based kernel sources) *--kernel-binary*=<path>:: Override default kernel binary path (arch/foo/boot/bar) *--utils-cc*=<compiler>:: Compiler to use for utilities. *--utils-as*=<assembler>:: Assembler to use for utilities. *--utils-ld*=<linker>:: Linker to use for utilities. *--utils-make*=<makeprog>:: GNU Make to use for utilities. *--utils-cross-compile*=<cross var>:: CROSS_COMPILE utils variable. *--utils-arch*=<arch>:: Force to arch for utils only instead of autodetect. *--*[*no-*]*mountboot*:: Mount, or not, BOOTDIR automatically if mountable. *--bootdir*=<dir>:: Set the location of the boot-directory, default is '/boot'. *--makeopts*=<makeopts>:: GNU Make options such as -j2, etc. INITIALIZATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *--splash*=<theme>:: Enable framebuffer splash using <theme>. *--splash-res*=<resolutions>:: Select gensplash resolutions to include. *--*[*no-*]*splash*=<theme>:: If the extra argument is specified, splash is forced using <theme> rather than the default theme specified in your splash configuration. If *--no-splash* is specified, then splash is disabled. *--do-keymap-auto*:: Force keymap selection at boot. *--no-keymap*:: Disables keymap selection at boot. *--lvm*:: Add in LVM support from static binaries if they exist on the system, or compile static LVM binaries if static ones do not exist. *--mdadm*:: Include mdadm/mdmon support. Without sys-fs/mdadm[static] installed, this will compile mdadm for you. *--mdadm-config*=<file>:: Use <file> as configfile for MDADM. By default the ramdisk will be built *without* an mdadm.conf and will auto-detect arrays during boot-up. *--dmraid*:: Include DMRAID support. *--multipath*:: Include Multipath support *--iscsi*:: Include iSCSI support *--bootloader*=*grub*:: Add new kernel to GRUB configuration. *--linuxrc*=<file>:: Use <file> for the linuxrc instead of the genkernel linuxrc. *--busybox-config*=<file>:: Specifies a user created busybox config. *--genzimage*:: Make and install kernelz image from 'arch/powerpc/boot/zImage.initrd'. *--disklabel*:: Include disk label and uuid support in your initrd. *--luks*:: Add in Luks support from static binaries if they exist on the system. *--gpg*:: Add support for GnuPG 1.x, the portable standalone branch of GnuPG. A key can be made from `gpg --symmetric -o /path/to/LUKS-key.gpg /path/to/LUKS-key` . After that, re-point the *root_key* argument to the new .gpg file. *--no-busybox*:: Do not include busybox in the initrd or initramfs. *--unionfs*:: Include support for unionfs *--netboot*:: Create a self-contained env in the initramfs *--real-root*=<foo>:: Specify a default for *real_root*= kernel option. INTERNALS ~~~~~~~~~ *--arch-override*=<arch>:: Force the architecture settings described by the <arch> profile instead of autodetecting the running architecture. *--cachedir*=<dir>:: Override the default cache location. *--tempdir*=<dir>:: Sets genkernel's temporary working directory to <dir>. *--postclear*:: Clear all tmp files and caches after genkernel has run. OUTPUT SETTINGS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *--kernname*=<...>:: Tag the kernel and initrd with a name, if not defined this option defaults to genkernel *--minkernpackage*=<tbz2>:: File to output a .tar.bz2'd kernel and initrd: no modules outside of the initrd will be included... *--modulespackage*=<tbz2>:: File to output a .tar.bz2'd modules after the callbacks have run *--kerncache*=<tbz2>:: File to output a .tar.bz2'd kernel, contents of '/lib/modules/' and the kernel config. NOTE: This is created before the callbacks are run. *--no-kernel-sources*=<tbz2>:: This option is only valid if kerncache is defined If there is a valid kerncache no checks will be made against a kernel source tree. *--initramfs-overlay*=<dir>:: Directory structure to include in the initramfs, only available on >=2.6 kernels *--firmware*:: Enable copying of firmware into initramfs. *--firmware-dir*=<dir>:: Specify directory to copy firmware from (defaults to '/lib/firmware'). *--firmware-files*=<files>:: Specifies specific firmware files to copy. This overrides *--firmware-dir*. For multiple files, separate the filenames with a comma. *--integrated-initramfs*:: Build the generated initramfs into the kernel instead of keeping it as a separate file. RAMDISK OPTIONS --------------- The following options can be passed as kernel parameters from the bootloader, which the ramdisk scripts would recognize. *real_root*=<...>:: Specifies the device node of the root filesystem to mount. *crypt_root*=<...>:: This specifies the device encrypted by Luks, which contains the root filesystem to mount. *crypt_swap*=<...>:: This specifies the swap device encrypted by Luks. *root_key*=<...>:: In case your root is encrypted with a key, you can use a device like a usb pen to store the key. This value should be the key path relative to the mount point. *root_keydev*=<...>:: If necessary provide the name of the device that carries the root_key. If unset while using root_key, it will automatically look for the device in every boot. *swap_key*=<...>:: Same as root_key for swap. *swap_keydev*=<...>:: Same as root_keydev for swap. *crypt_silent*:: Set this to silent all the output related to the cryptographic software, and in case your encrypted device isn't open with the key, it opens a shell in the initrd quietly. *dodmraid*[=<...>]:: Activate Device-Mapper RAID and (optionally) pass arguments to it. *real_init*=<...>:: Override location of init script, default is "/sbin/init". *init_opts*=<...>:: Passes arguments to init on bootup. *scandelay*[=<...>]:: Pauses for 10 seconds before running devfsd if no argument is specified; otherwise pauses for the number of specified seconds. *ip*=<...>:: Normally used to tell the kernel that it should start a network interface. If present, the initrd will try to mount a livecd over NFS. *nfsroot*=<...>:: If present, the initrd will try to mount a livecd from that location. Otherwise the location will be deduced from the DCHP request (option root-path) *dolvm*:: Activate LVM volumes on bootup *lvmraid*=<...>:: Specify RAID devices to set up before the activation of LVM volumes. Implies option *dolvm*. *domdadm*:: Scan for RAID arrays on bootup *doscsi*:: Activate SCSI devices on bootup, necessary when SCSI support is compiled as modules and you're using SCSI or SATA devices. *noslowusb*:: By default genkernel pause for 10 seconds if it finds a attached usb-storage device to give them time to initiate. This option skips that pause. *keymap*='MAP':: Set keymap to 'MAP', e.g. *keymap*=de. For valid values of 'MAP' please see '/usr/share/genkernel/defaults/keymaps.tar.gz'. *dokeymap*:: Use keymap. Usage of *keymap*= implies this option, already. *rootfstype*=<...>:: Specify the file system type to mount the real root filesystem as. This can be useful when support for ext2/ext3/ext4 are in competition. Default is "auto". *docache*:: *nocache*:: Enables/disables caching of CD contents in RAM. *root*=<...>:: Omit or specify as "/dev/ram0". For other values be sure to know what you're doing. *subdir*=<...>:: switch_root into "<CHROOT>/<SUBDIR>" instead of "<CHROOT>/". <CHROOT> is "/newroot" (or "/union") usually. *debug*:: Drop into a debug shell early in the process. *noload*=<...>:: List of modules to skip loading. Separate using commas or spaces. *nodetect*:: Skipping scanning modules using "modprobe <MODULE> -n". Use *doload=* for specifying a whitelist of exceptions. *doload*=<...>:: List of modules to load despite *nodetect*. *domodules*:: *nomodules*:: Enables/disables loading of modules in general. *CONSOLE*=<...>:: *console*=<...>:: Override location of console, default is "/dev/console". *part*=<...>:: Specify part for mdadm to start. This is the relevant code in mdstart: ------------------------------------------ fd = open("/dev/md<MD_NUMBER>", 0, 0); ioctl(fd, RAID_AUTORUN, <MDPART>); ------------------------------------------ *iscsi_initiatorname*=<...>:: *iscsi_target*=<...>:: *iscsi_tgpt*=<...>:: *iscsi_address*=<...>:: *iscsi_port*=<...>:: *iscsi_username*=<...>:: *iscsi_password*=<...>:: *iscsi_username_in*=<...>:: *iscsi_password_in*=<...>:: *iscsi_debug*=<...>:: *iscsi_noibft*:: Specify iSCSI parameters. *unionfs*:: *nounionfs*:: Enables/disables UnionFS. *aufs*:: Enables support for AUFS2 (if available in the kernel). *real_rootflags*=<...>:: Additional flags to mount the real root system with. For example *real_rootflags*=noatime would make "-o ro,noatime". *real_resume*=<...>:: *resume*=<...>:: *noresume*:: TO BE DOCUMENTED *cdroot*[=<...>]:: *cdroot_type*=<...>:: TO BE DOCUMENTED *loop*=<...>:: *looptype*=<...>:: TO BE DOCUMENTED *isoboot*=<...>:: TO BE DOCUMENTED NETBOOTING ---------- The initrd scripts have limited support for network booting. This is activated if the *ip*=<...> kernel parameter was given. Please refer to the genkernel guide at '' for more information. The initrd scripts will extract any *.tar.gz files found in the '/add' directory of the livecd into the root filesystem during boot. This way it is easy to extend a netbooted LiveCD i.e. add custom tools, or other kernel modules. REPORTING BUGS -------------- If you believe you have found a bug in the genkernel scripts, then please file a bug on the Gentoo Linux Bugzilla against product "Gentoo Hosted Projects" component "genkernel", i.e. at ''. If you're somewhat unsure if you hit a bug or not, file a bug an we'll find out together. For general questions the is the gentoo-genkernel mailing list. You can join the list by sending empty mail to ''. We cannot assist you with kernel compilation failures unless they are caused by a genkernel bug. Kernel issues for Gentoo-supported kernels, including compilation failures should go to '' and should be assigned to ''. Please check if an existing bug documents the same issue before opening a new bug. Issues for kernel sources not supported by Gentoo should go to their relevant authors. AUTHORS ------- - Tim Yamin <> - Eric Edgar <> - NFS Support by Thomas Seiler <> - GnuPG 1.x integration by dacook <> - MDADM integration by Matthias Dahl <> SEE ALSO -------- /etc/genkernel.conf - genkernel configuration file