#!/bin/bash set_bootloader() { if [ "x$BOOTLOADER" == 'xgrub' ] then set_grub_bootloader else return 0 fi } set_grub_bootloader() { local GRUB_CONF='/boot/grub/grub.conf' print_info 1 '' print_info 1 "Adding kernel to $GRUB_CONF..." # Extract block device information from /etc/fstab local GRUB_ROOTFS=$(awk '/[[:space:]]\/[[:space:]]/ { print $1 }' /etc/fstab) local GRUB_BOOTFS=$(awk '/^[^#].+[[:space:]]\/boot[[:space:]]/ { print $1 }' /etc/fstab) # If /boot is not defined in /etc/fstab, it must be the same as / [ "x$GRUB_BOOTFS" == 'x' ] && GRUB_BOOTFS=$GRUB_ROOTFS # Translate block letters into grub numbers local GRUB_ROOT_DISK=$(echo $GRUB_ROOTFS | sed -e 's/\/dev\/[hsm]d\([[:alpha:]]\)[[:digit:]]\+/\1/') case $GRUB_ROOT_DISK in a ) GRUB_ROOT_DISK='0' ;; b ) GRUB_ROOT_DISK='1' ;; c ) GRUB_ROOT_DISK='2' ;; d ) GRUB_ROOT_DISK='3' ;; e ) GRUB_ROOT_DISK='4' ;; esac # Translate partition numbers into grub numbers local GRUB_ROOT_PARTITION=$(echo $GRUB_BOOTFS | sed -e 's/\/dev\/[hsm]d[[:alpha:]]\([[:digit:]]\+\)/\1/') # Create grub configuration directory and file if it doesn't exist. [ ! -e `basename $GRUB_CONF` ] && mkdir -p `basename $GRUB_CONF` if [ ! -e $GRUB_CONF ] then # Check that $GRUB_ROOT_PARTITION is a single character local GRUB_ROOT_PARTITION_TEST=$(printf $GRUB_ROOT_PARTITION | wc -c) if [ "${GRUB_ROOT_PARTITION_TEST}" -ne '1' ] # GRUB_ROOT_PARTITION is not a number; we can't work this out so... error print_error 1 'Error! /boot/grub/grub.conf does not exist and the correct settings can't be automatically detected.' print_error 1 'Please manually create your /boot/grub/grub.conf file.' else # grub.conf doesn't exist - create it with standard defaults touch $GRUB_CONF echo 'default 0' >> $GRUB_CONF echo 'timeout 5' >> $GRUB_CONF echo "" >> $GRUB_CONF # Add grub configuration to grub.conf echo "# Genkernel generated entry, see GRUB documentation for details" >> $GRUB_CONF echo "title=Gentoo Linux ($KV)" >> $GRUB_CONF echo -e "\troot (hd$GRUB_ROOT_DISK,$GRUB_ROOT_PARTITION)" >> $GRUB_CONF if [ "${BUILD_INITRD}" -eq '0' ] then echo -e "\tkernel /kernel-$KV root=$GRUB_ROOTFS" >> $GRUB_CONF else echo -e "\tkernel /kernel-$KV root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc real_root=$GRUB_ROOTFS" >> $GRUB_CONF echo -e "\tinitrd /initrd-$KV" >> $GRUB_CONF fi echo "" >> $GRUB_CONF fi else # grub.conf already exists; so... # ... Clone the first boot definition and change the version. cp $GRUB_CONF $GRUB_CONF.bak awk 'BEGIN { RS="" ; FS="\n" ; OFS="\n" ; ORS="\n\n" } NR == 2 { ORIG=$0; sub(/\(.+\)/,"(" KV ")",$1); sub(/kernel-[[:alnum:][:punct:]]+/, "kernel-" KV, $3); sub(/initrd-[[:alnum:][:punct:]]+/, "initrd-" KV, $4); print RS $0; print RS ORIG;} NR != 2 { print RS $0; }' KV=$KV $GRUB_CONF.bak > $GRUB_CONF fi }