From cb24bedd073f23ac518bc1c0b79aec4593db2817 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Peter Hjalmarsson <>
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2011 19:34:54 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Move dev to chroot

This can be considered good practice, likely less chance that nodes
created in the ramdisk disapperes when switching root.
Some applications (mostly debugging/benchmarking) also needs this to
survive the switch_root.
 defaults/linuxrc | 8 ++++++--
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/defaults/linuxrc b/defaults/linuxrc
index ee33a35..88eed00 100755
--- a/defaults/linuxrc
+++ b/defaults/linuxrc
@@ -725,10 +725,14 @@ cd "${CHROOT}"
 mkdir "${CHROOT}/proc" "${CHROOT}/sys" 2>/dev/null
 echo -ne "${BOLD}.${NORMAL}"
-# If devtmpfs is mounted assume genkernel mounted it at /dev and try unmounting it
+# If devtmpfs is mounted, try move it to the new root
+# If that fails, try to unmount all possible mounts of devtmpfs as stuff breaks otherwise
 if grep -qs devtmpfs /proc/mounts
-	umount /dev || echo '*: Failed to unmount the devtmpfs /dev!'
+	if ! mount --move /dev "${CHROOT}"/dev
+	then
+		umount -a -t devtmpfs || echo '*: Failed to move and unmount the devtmpfs /dev!'
+	fi
 umount /sys || echo '*: Failed to unmount the ramdisk /sys!'