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% \quote{"Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm." -- Winston Churchill} % optional, remove the line if not wanted
\quote{"The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean"}
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% \cvline{Blog}{\small \url{<Link to profile>}\normalsize}
% \cvline{Skype}{\small cs0rbagomba\normalsize}
% \section{Desidered employment and Skills}
% \cvline{}{\Large PhD student in Biomedical Computing}
% \cvline{}{\small <Skills>}
\section{Computer Skills}
\cvline{Languages}{C (5+ years: MeeGo, Maemo project as the main language), C++ (4+ years: Nokia-Siemens Networks main language, Roxar with Qt)}
\cvline{Scripting}{Bash, Perl, Python (2+ years: Nokia-Siemens Networks: I implemented a test automation software in Perl which is still used, many convenience command line programs was written in Python/Bash)}
\cvline{Parallel programming}{Interprocess comunication with unix sockets and D-Bus, multithreading with POSIX Threads. (The system of Nokia-Siemens Networks relied entirely on parallel programming) OpenMP and Intel Threading Building Blocks at private projects.}
\cvline{Platforms}{Linux (8+ years, all workplaces and at home)}
\cventry{January of 2012 - Present}{Senior Software Developer}{Roxar AS}{Oslo, Lysaker}{Norway}
{At Roxar, as a Qt expert, I participated in the UI's development and maintenance.
I had the chance to work on an enormous codebase (11 million lines). Sadly, most of this was made using worn, deprecated programming techniques, which is partially due to the age of the project (15+ years old).
Feature implementation and maintenance was further hindered by the fact that unit testing was not widely used. I tried my best to change what I can there and in that scope I took an initiative to introduce and spread automated unit-testing.
I also had the pleasure to attend conferences and give an internal presentation about high-level parallel programming techniques. \href{https://github.com/cs0rbagomba/parallel\_programming}{https://github.com/cs0rbagomba/parallel\_programming}}% arguments 3 to 6 are optional
\cventry{August of 2008 - December of 2011}{Software Developer, Scrum Master}{Nokia-Siemens Networks}{Budapest}{Hungary}
{In this job, I gained experience with the Agile methodology. This involves regular planning meetings both before and after each iteration and a follow-up retro, as well as daily meetings, during which the team creates and distributes tasks.
The software codebase I worked on was huge and complex, composed of multiple subsystems, mostly written in C++. The implementation tasks involved modifications of previous subsystems and creation of new ones. The coding involved was really challenging in terms of object oriented programming.
We used Test Driven Development, unit testing (cxxtest) each subsystem with a continuous integration program. Debugging was very complex (GDB, Valgrind, TShark, WireShark), due to the fact that the software is executed on more than one machine with many processes and threads.
One of my larger projects was the creation and maintenance of a functional test executor in Perl. I had to create this tool from scratch and provide support for multiple teams on our site.
After becoming a Scrum Master, I took pleasure in introducing scrum methodology not common in NSN and did my best to make software development fun again.}% arguments 3 to 6 are optional
\cventry{3 months in 2008}{Software Developer consultant}{Nokia Research Center}{Helsinki}{Finnland}
{During the time I spent there, I worked on the MeeGo and the Maemo project (embedded, Linux).
As a subcontractor, I had to adapt very quickly to the rapidly changing projects and tasks.
At the beginning, my task was porting an application to use the new library interfaces, which was mostly coding (C, object-oriented C) and testing. During this period I obtained a lot of experience in debugging (GDB, Valgrind).
Later, I became a member of a manager-tester-developer trio as a developer, on a project focused on integrating a trial-set of applets. I had direct contact with the other members of my team and we reported to each other and discussed problems daily. I bundled some applications (creating Debian meta-packages), took care of the installation problems and developed a configuration GUI (GTK).
I was also assigned to maintain the applications. This meant that I and some other developers picked up bug reports (Bugzilla) filled out by a tester team and corrected them.
These tasks mostly had short and strict deadlines.}% arguments 3 to 6 are optional
{In my first job, I worked in a team of 4-5 people, reporting directly to the manager on a weekly basis. Each developer maintained a separate part of the software code, fixed bugs and similar issues and dealt with the integration of that particular part.
My task was to develop and maintain GUIs (GTK) and to handle the communication between it and the rest of the program with inter-process-communication (DBus). The programming language was C (object-oriented C, gobject).
During this period, I gained familiarity with development for embedded systems (MeeGo, Maemo platform), emulators, cross-compilers, Software Development kits and debuggers (GDB, Valgrind).}% arguments 3 to 6 are optional
% \subsection{Academic}
% \cventry{start-end}{<Brief Description>}{<Institution>}{<Place>}{<Country>}{<Description>} % arguments 3 to 6 are optional
% \subsection{Various}
% \cventry{start-end}{<Brief Description>}{<Institution>}{<Place>}{<Country>}{<Description>} % arguments 3 to 6 are optional
{Information technology department. My Master's Thesis is about a Maemo statusbar plugin, allows easy drag \& drop data sending via Bluetooth. \href{http://matetelki.com/give/}{http://matetelki.com/give/}}% arguments 3 to 6 are optional
\cventry{1997-2001}{Graduated}{Lovassy László secondary school}{Veszprem}{Hungary}{Information technology class}% arguments 3 to 6 are optional
%\section{Master thesis}
%\cvline{description}{\small Short thesis abstract}
\hspace{25mm}\small Self-assessment European level \href{http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/resources/european-language-levels-cefr}{CEFR} (C2 maximum evaluation)\normalsize
\item (NSN certified) Scrum master of a functional team of 6 software engineers and 1 architect.
\item Successfully introduced an ``extra small trainings between groups'' idea, under a name of ``Nano trainings'' for which received NSN innovation award.
\item Founder and previous leader of a club of attendees, about Japan culture at the Pannon University.
\item Responsible for a developer team of 4 people in university project
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