#include #include "Fixture.hpp" #include "Timer.hpp" #include "Thread.hpp" #include #include class TestTimer : public CxxTest::TestSuite { private: class DummyTimer : public Timer { public: DummyTimer(int maxPeriodicCount = 5) : m_counter(0) , m_maxPeriodicCount(maxPeriodicCount) { TRACE; } void timerExpired() { TRACE; m_counter += 100; } void periodicTimerExpired() { TRACE; static int count = 0; m_counter++; count++; if ( count >= m_maxPeriodicCount ) { stopTimer(); } } int m_counter; private: int m_maxPeriodicCount; }; public: void testBasic( void ) { TEST_HEADER; DummyTimer t; t.createTimer(2); t.wait(); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( t.m_counter, 100 ); } void testBasicPeriodic( void ) { TEST_HEADER; DummyTimer t; t.createTimer(2,0,1); t.wait(); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( t.m_counter, 105 ); } private: class DummyTimerThread : public Timer, public Thread { public: DummyTimerThread(const int maxPeriodicCount = INT_MAX - 1, const time_t interval_sec = 2, const long interval_nsec = 0, const time_t initExpr_sec = 0, const long initExpr_nsec = 0) : m_counter(0) , m_maxPeriodicCount(maxPeriodicCount) , m_interval_sec(interval_sec) , m_interval_nsec(interval_nsec) , m_initExpr_sec(initExpr_sec) , m_initExpr_nsec(initExpr_nsec) { TRACE; } private: void* run() { TRACE; createTimer( m_interval_sec, m_interval_nsec, m_initExpr_sec, m_initExpr_nsec); wait(); return 0; } public: void timerExpired() { TRACE; m_counter += 100; } inline void periodicTimerExpired() { // logging take too much time at high freq // TRACE; static int count = 0; m_counter++; count++; if ( count >= m_maxPeriodicCount ) { stopTimer(); } } int m_counter; private: int m_maxPeriodicCount; time_t m_interval_sec; long m_interval_nsec; time_t m_initExpr_sec; long m_initExpr_nsec; }; // class DummyTimerThread public: void testBasicTimerThread( void ) { TEST_HEADER; // the main thread shall ignore the SIGALRM sigset_t set; sigemptyset( &set ); sigaddset( &set, SIGALRM ); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL); DummyTimerThread t(5); t.start(); sleep(4); t.join(); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( t.m_counter, 100 ); } void testTimerThreadHighFreq( void ) { TEST_HEADER; // the main thread shall ignore the SIGALRM sigset_t set; sigemptyset( &set ); sigaddset( &set, SIGALRM ); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL); int nano = 1000000000; // 10^9 int freq = 80000; DummyTimerThread t(INT_MAX - 1, 1, 0, 0, nano / freq ); t.start(); int circle = 10; sleep( 1 + circle ); t.gracefulStop(); t.join(); // expected 800000 + 100 got 795510 // accurcy: ~ < 99.5% TS_ASSERT_DELTA ( t.m_counter, 100 + freq * circle, (100 + freq * circle) * 0.995); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS ( t.m_counter, 100 + freq * circle); } };