// gpp mysqlclient_tcpwrapper.cpp -o mysqltcpwrapper -I../include ../src/Logger.cpp ../src/Thread.cpp -lpthread ../src/Socket.cpp -std=c++0x ../src/WorkerThread.cpp MysqlTask.cpp EchoMessage.cpp ../src/ScopedLock.cpp ../src/ThreadPool.cpp ../src/ConditionVariable.cpp ../src/Mutex.cpp ../src/ArgParse.cpp ../src/MysqlConnectionPool.cpp -lmysqlclient -lrt ../src/MysqlClient.cpp -o mysqlclient #include "Logger.hpp" #include "Common.hpp" #include "ArgParse.hpp" #include "MysqlClient.hpp" #include "MysqlConnectionPool.hpp" #include "TcpServer.hpp" #include "Message.hpp" #include "ThreadPool.hpp" #include "WorkerThread.hpp" #include "EchoMessage.hpp" #include "MysqlTask.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include void setUpArgs(ArgParse &argParse) { TRACE_STATIC; argParse.addArgument("--host", "MySQL server hostname/IP", ArgParse::STRING, ArgParse::REQUIRED, ArgParse::REQUIRED); argParse.addArgument("-u, --user", "MsSQL username", ArgParse::STRING, ArgParse::REQUIRED, ArgParse::REQUIRED ); argParse.addArgument("-db, --database", "MySQL database", ArgParse::STRING, ArgParse::REQUIRED, ArgParse::REQUIRED ); argParse.addArgument("-p, --password", "MySQL password", ArgParse::STRING, ArgParse::REQUIRED, ArgParse::REQUIRED ); argParse.addArgument("-n, --number-of-connections", "MySQL connections in connection pool. Default is 5", ArgParse::INT ); argParse.addArgument("--port", "Listening port. Default is 4455", ArgParse::INT ); argParse.addArgument("-cl, --clients", "Maximum number of served clients. Default is 5.", ArgParse::INT ); argParse.addArgument("--pending", "Maximum number of pending clients. Default is 5.", ArgParse::INT ); argParse.addArgument("-t, --worker-threads", "Number of worker threads. Default is 5.", ArgParse::INT ); } void getArgs( int argc, char* argv[], ArgParse &argParse, std::string &host, std::string &user, std::string &db, std::string &pass, int &conns, int &port, int &clients, int &pending, int &threads ) { TRACE_STATIC; argParse.parseArgs(argc, argv); argParse.argAsString("--host", host); argParse.argAsString("-u, --user", user); argParse.argAsString("-db, --database", db); argParse.argAsString("-p, --password", pass); argParse.argAsInt("-n, --number-of-connections", conns); argParse.argAsInt("--port", port); argParse.argAsInt("-cl, --clients", clients); argParse.argAsInt("--pending", pending); argParse.argAsInt("-t, --worker-threads", threads); } bool checkArgs( int argc, char* argv[], ArgParse &argParse, std::string &host, std::string &user, std::string &db, std::string &pass, int &conns, int &port, int &clients, int &pending, int &threads ) { TRACE_STATIC; if ( argc == 1 || ( argc == 2 && argv[1][0] != '-' ) ) { std::cout << argParse.usage() << std::endl; return false; } try { getArgs( argc, argv, argParse, host, user, db, pass, conns, port, clients, pending, threads ); } catch (std::runtime_error e) { if ( argParse.foundArg("-h, --help") ) { std::cout << argParse.usage() << std::endl; return false; } std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl << "Check usage: " << argv[0] << " --help" << std::endl; return false; } if ( argParse.foundArg("-h, --help") ) { std::cout << argParse.usage() << std::endl; return false; } return true; } void printResults(std::list &results) { TRACE_STATIC; LOG ( Logger::DEBUG, std::string("Got query result number of rows: "). append(TToStr(results.size())).c_str() ); for (std::list::const_iterator it = results.begin(); it != results.end(); ++it ) { LOG ( Logger::DEBUG, (*it).c_str() ); } } int main(int argc, char* argv[] ) { Logger::createInstance(); Logger::init(std::cout); Logger::setLogLevel(Logger::FINEST); // args ArgParse argParse("TCP server wrapper on a MySQL client", "Report bugs to: denes.matetelki@gmail.com"); setUpArgs(argParse); std::string host, user, db, pass; int conns(5), port(4455), clients(5), pending(5), threads(5); if ( !checkArgs(argc, argv, argParse, host, user, db, pass, conns, port, clients, pending, threads ) ) return 1; /* // init MySQL connection pool init_client_errs(); MysqlConnectionPool mysqlConnectionPool ( argParse.foundArg("--host") ? host.c_str() : NULL, argParse.foundArg("-u, --user") ? user.c_str() : NULL, argParse.foundArg("-p, --password") ? pass.c_str() : NULL, argParse.foundArg("-db, --database") ? db .c_str() : NULL ); for ( int i = 0; i < conns; ++i ) mysqlConnectionPool.create(); // threadpool ThreadPool threadPool; for ( int i = 0; i < threads; ++i ) threadPool.pushWorkerThread(new WorkerThread(threadPool)); threadPool.startWorkerThreads(); // TCP server MsgParam msgParam(&mysqlConnectionPool, &threadPool); TcpServer tcpServer(std::string(""), TToStr(port), &msgParam, clients, pending ); if ( !tcpServer.start() ) { LOG( Logger::ERR, "Failed to start TCP server, exiting..."); mysqlConnectionPool.clear(); finish_client_errs(); Logger::destroy(); return 1; } // never reached sleep(1); tcpServer.stop(); // end mysqlConnectionPool.clear(); finish_client_errs(); */ Logger::destroy(); return 0; }