\begin{frame}{Legacy code, unit test, functional test}
\begin{block}{Legacy code}
"Code without tests is bad code. It doesn't matter how well written it is; it doesn't matter how pretty or object-oriented or well-encapsulated it is. With tests, we can change the behaviour of our code quickly and verifiably. Without them, we really don't know if our code is getting better or worse." \cite{legacy}
\begin{frame}{Legacy code, unit test, functional test}
%\subsection{Unit test}
\begin{block}{Unit Test (UT) - white box testing}
"The goal of unit testing is to isolate each part of the program and show that the individual parts are correct. A unit test provides a strict, written contract that the piece of code must satisfy." \cite{ut}
"The goal of unit testing is to isolate each part of the program and show that the individual parts are correct. A unit test provides a strict, written \textcolor{red}{contract}\cite{dbc} that the piece of code must satisfy." \cite{ut}
%\subsection{Functional test}
\begin{block}{Functional Test (FT) - black box testing}
"Bases its test cases on the specifications of the software component under test. Functions are tested by feeding them input and examining the output, and internal program structure is rarely considered." \cite{ft}
\item "The .gcno notes file is generated when the source file is compiled with the GCC -ftest-coverage option. It contains information to reconstruct the basic block graphs and assign source line numbers to blocks."
\item "The .gcda count data file is generated when a program containing object files built with the GCC -fprofile-arcs option is executed. A separate .gcda file is created for each object file compiled with this option. It contains arc transition counts, value profile counts, and some summary information."
"The .gcno notes file is generated when the source file is compiled with the GCC \textcolor{red}{-ftest-coverage} option. It contains information to reconstruct the basic block graphs and assign source line numbers to blocks."
"The .gcda count data file is generated when a program containing object files built with the GCC \textcolor{red}{-fprofile-arcs} option is executed. A separate .gcda file is created for each object file compiled with this option. It contains arc transition counts, value profile counts, and some summary information."
"LCOV is a graphical front-end for GCC's coverage testing tool gcov. It collects gcov data for multiple source files and creates HTML pages containing the source code annotated with coverage information. It also adds overview pages for easy navigation within the file structure." \cite{lcov}
Kolawa, Adam; Huizinga, Dorota (2007). \emph{Automated Defect Prevention: Best Practices in Software Management} Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press. p. 426. ISBN 0-470-04212-5.
@ -335,26 +395,53 @@ Kolawa, Adam; Huizinga, Dorota (2007). \emph{Automated Defect Prevention: Best P
Kaner, Falk, Nguyen. \emph{Testing Computer Software} Wiley Computer Publishing, 1999, p. 42. ISBN 0-471-35846-0.