.TH BATTERY-STATUS-LED 1 LOCAL .SH NAME .B battery-status-led \- Blink a LED on low battery .SH SYNOPSIS battery-status-led .SH DESCRIPTION Battery (low/critical) status indication by making a (the capslock) LED blink Takes no argument. To pick another LED device, edit .I /lib/systemd/system/battery-status-led.service and modify .I BATTERY_STATUS_LED_DEV to something else. The default value is .I /sys/class/leds/input4\:\:capslock .SH AUTHOR .MT denes.matetelki@gmail.com Denes Matetelki .ME .SH SEE ALSO Homepage: .UR https://github.com/dmatetelki/battery-status-led/ .UE .br Copyright © 2018 Denes Matetelki. .br License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . .br This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. .br There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.